Page 35 of Kenji

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Page 35 of Kenji

"I wouldn’texpect anything less. What did you tell her?"

"Unfortunatelyfor her, I happen to be loyal, and this place has grown on me."

He’d grinned atthat. "Perfect wording. Now, I’d like you to go home, andI’ll stay behind. Kelly and I have our own private celebrationto attend."

"I could stay-"

"You’reexhausted. We’re closed tomorrow, so take the time to recharge.Do some Black Friday shopping."

"I never do, butstaying in bed seems like a good idea."

"Chantelle?"He had stopped her as she headed for the door, and for a minute, shewondered if he was going to bring up his name.


"Thank you."

The relief was suchthat she almost sagged. "You’re welcome." She managedto say.

Now she was in thedarkened room and staring up at the ceiling. The time on the bedsideclock was showing it was almost two in the morning. Her body wasexhausted, but her mind was running all over the place. She’dmanaged to keep thoughts of him at bay, but now she was alone; theycame tumbling back.

Was he withsomeone? She’d seen the actress he’d been with at theopening, so she deduced he wasn’t with her.

Was he shacked upwith some other woman in Europe? The thought of him making love tosomeone else was like a dagger piercing her heart. She had no rightsto him. It’d been just one night of passion, and he’dmoved on right after.

He hadn’t madeany declaration of love, nor had he promised her anything. He’dsimply taken what she’d offered so willingly and gone about hisbusiness. It was what men in his position did, and she’d fallenfor it.

It didn’tpreclude her from the yearning or wishing things were different, andhe was right here in her bed. It didn’t stop her from cryingfor what might have been. Closing her eyes, she tried to force theimages that kept coming back to haunt her and tried to get somesleep.


“I know I’mfussing over nothing.” Caroline Evers fluttered her delicatewhite hands vaguely. “Oh, it’s so lovely here. This roomis divine.” She stood looking around the soft blue lounge withthe sturdy yet elegant white furnishings. “Thank you forputting up with my eccentricities and demands, my dear. My Millie isstill in Paris –“

She sat on the paddedchair and stretched her legs out. “I’m standing in forher making sure everything is okay for Saturday. Her fiancéeisn’t into this sort of thing.”

“Ah!”She clapped her hands in delight as the silver tray was wheeled intothe room.

“We took theliberty of having the pastry chef put together some samples for you.”Chantelle smiled at the woman as she poured the tea. “Thankyou, Jeffery.” She dismissed him with a smile.

“They all lookcompletely delicious.” Caroline reached for the plate andtasted the pink champagne, savoring it as it melted on her tongue.“Some tea to wash it away so that I can taste something else.”

She settled backagainst the plump cushion with every intention of taking her time. “Ialso have the final count. I’m afraid the number has gone up tofive hundred. I apologize for the inconvenience – I know we’dsettled on three fifty.”

“Actually, thenumber was three hundred.”

The woman smiledprettily, light blue eyes twinkling. “We have lots of friendsand wouldn’t want to offend anyone.” Her eyes misted.“Millie is our only daughter, and I have to confess that she’squite spoiled. You showed us that wonderful ballroom when we werehere before.”

“That’swhere the reception will be held. We are in dialogue with the weddingplanner on the theme for the decoration.”

Caroline nodded, hereyes widening in utter delight. “This is definitely the one.”She said decisively.

“I’llmake a note of that. This is the absolute number?”

“Of course, mydear. I have to tell you I’m so pleased with the wonderfulservice here.” Her eyes glowed in pleasure. “And you-you’re the best. Kane is fortunate to have you here.”

“I think itworks both ways.” She smiled at the woman. “But thank youfor the compliment. Shall we go and take a look at the room again?”


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