Page 48 of Kenji
“She’s inthe hospital.”
“What’swrong with her?”
“She’spregnant, and it isn’t going well.”
Kenji felt as ifsomeone had taken a hot iron to his chest. “Ah.” Hesmiled bitterly. “It doesn’t surprise me that she –it’s for that writer guy. Are they getting married?” Helifted a hand. “It doesn’t matter. It’s none of myconcern.”
“I gave her myword. I wouldn’t say anything to you.” Kane pushed backfrom his desk. “The baby is yours. She and Caleb are justfriends and have been since they were children.’
“No.” heshook his head as he swayed. “That can’t be right.”
“It’s thetruth. She is pregnant with your child, Kenji, and she’s beengoing through hell.”
“She –you -How long have you known?”
“A coupleof weeks ago.” He dragged his fingers through his hair. “Ithink she told me because she started getting ill. Extreme nauseathat has her hurling every minute of the day. She can’t keepanything down.”
“Jesus!”He pulled his hair until it hurt. “What have I done? I need adrink.” Walking shakily over to the cabinet, he selected scotchand poured it into the glass with a shaky hand. “I need to seeher.”
“She doesn’twant to see you.”
“I have to seeher.”
“What are yougoing to say to her?” Kane felt his anger draining away at thehaunted look on the younger man’s face.
“Damned if Iknow.” He tossed back the liquor, relishing the burning in hisgut. “Is she going to be okay?”
“The doctorsays she needs fluid. She’s lost an alarming amount of weightpretty quickly. The baby is strong, though.”
“How long hasshe been there?”
“A week.”
“I have to seeher.”
“You’llhave to clear that with her. Kenji, you messed up royally, and I haveto ask–“ He met his cousin’s gaze squarely. “Wasit just a diversion for you?”
“No.” Hewent to pour another drink. “I went away hoping I’d gether out of my head.” He groped for the nearest chair and sankdown wearily. “It didn’t happen. I thought she was withhim. She told me she was with him. Why the hell would she lie to me?”
“She probablydidn’t want to get involved with you.”
“She was rightabout that.” He said bitterly. “Look what I did to her.”
“I can make acall and –“
“No.” Heshook his head. “Which hospital?”
Kenji smiled grimly.“We contribute a hell of a lot to the pediatric ward, remember?I’ll just walk in. “
“I don’tthink that’s a good idea.”
“Then what doyou suggest?”
“Let me makesome inquiries as to how she is. I heard something about her beingdischarged shortly. You going there will upset her, and we don’twant that.”