Page 62 of Kenji

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Page 62 of Kenji

"She’sgoing to resist."

"Oh, I expectshe will but I’m determined to get through to her."


"It's abeautiful wedding." Chantelle started. She’d been soenraptured by the groom's speech that she’d failed to noticehim coming up alongside her. The day was perfect. A clear blue sky,with a few puffy white clouds and the weather cool enough to hold theceremony in one of the enchanting arbors dotting the grounds.

It’d gone offwithout a hitch, despite the bride and her interfering motherbreathing down her neck. Now, it was over. Or almost.

"You weren’tinvited."

"Wasn't I?"He raised his eyebrows at her in amusement. "The Sinclair's andthe Dupont's are friends. You pulled off quite a coup. MillicentSinclair isn’t an easy woman to please."

"What do youwant?" She hissed rudely.

"Let me see."He tapped a long finger on his chin and brought her attention to hislips, sending heat to her lower body. “Tine with you.”

“You’renot going to get it."

"We’llsee." he murmured mysteriously, intense dark eyes roving overher body as if he had a right to do so. "What's that color?Lime? Looks good on you." He settled on her stomach which wasn’tstarting to show yet.

"I can’twait for the world to know that you’re having my child."His voice had deepened, his expression turning intimate. "I wantto feel my baby moving inside you. I want to feel you naked while Iexplore every inch of your body."

"Please goaway."

"Am I making youhot, darling? You’re making me hard."

She almost jumped outof her skin when she heard someone called out her name and realizedthe bride's mother was bearing down on her. He chuckled softly andearned himself a glare as she turned to meet the woman halfway.

For the next hour,she was caught up with dealing with things like making sure there wasenough liquor at the bar and another table was carted out to hold therest of the wedding gifts.

By the time she wasfinished he was nowhere to be seen. She told herself she was happyfor that but couldn’t deny the empty feeling inside herstomach. The bride and groom seemed happy and that might be just forthe ceremony and the glitter.

The glow of it wouldfade after the honeymoon but she wanted something like this. Someoneto love and cherish her for the rest of her life.

She found herselflooking over the crowd for the familiar dark-haired man who’dturned her life inside out and couldn’t find him. Must be offwith one of the guests, she thought bitterly. They were welcome toeach other and it was none of her concern.

Aside from thebaby she was carrying inside her, they had nothing else in common.Taking her mind off him and her problems, she returned to her duties.


"You’rehere? Why are you here?" She’d just inserted her key intothe lock when the door was swung open to reveal Caleb wearing a robe.

"I was waitingfor you. You look beat."

"The weddingdragged on." She slipped out of her shoes at the doorway andrubbed a hand over her stomach. She’d started feeling a littlequeasy this morning and had been afraid the morning sickness wasresurfacing.

"I thought youwere supposed to be taking it easy." He led her into the livingroom where she plopped down on the sofa and wriggled her toes. "It'safter twelve."

"I know whattime it is." She grumbled. "I’m fine. I just wantedto make sure everything was okay. The bride and her parents are bigmoney and are very fussy. I didn’t want complaints."

"So, you’reworking yourself to the bone to please some rich folks." Pullingup an ottoman, he placed her feet on his lap and started rubbingthem.

"It's my job."She said defensively. "I’m off tomorrow and Monday. Don'tstart. I get enough from-" She clamped her mouth shut.

"The babydaddy?" His brows lifted in amusement. "I happen to agreewith him. You’re doing too much. You should go away for a weekor two. Unwind and recharge."

"I was away forthree and can’t afford to take more time off."

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