Page 79 of Kenji
“Don’tlook now, but your groom is about to explode.”
“Enjoy yourhoneymoon, darling. She’s all yours. Take care of her or youanswer to me.”
“I’mfine. Ready?”
“He was just-“
“Trying to geta rise out of me. I owe him for bringing you to me and for beingthere when I wasn’t.” He cupped her face between hispalms. “I know you love him and he loves you. I also know thatI have a part of you that’s for me only.”
“You do.”She whispered and melted in his arms.
“Now, let’sgo and say our goodbyes and get out of here.”
He adjusted the seatso she could sleep on the journey. The excitement of spending timewith her was so much he could barely stand it. He’d endured thegoodbyes and well wishes and the arrangements to get the giftstransported to the house, before it was time for them to leave.
He'd wanted to leaveearlier and Kane had suggested taking the helicopter, but he couldn’trisk taking her up in the air. He’d been there when she wasthrowing up and it sounded as if her stomach lining was beingdestroyed. He wanted to be on the ground just in case he had to rushher to the hospital.
“I can drivepart of the way.” She murmured.
“Not a chanceand I thought you were sleeping.”
“I’mawake now.” She rubbed her eyes.
“We arealmost there. You slept almost the entire journey. You were nocompany at all.”
He chuckled, relievedthat she was feeling better. “Ten more minutes.” He slidher a glance. “Think you can wait that long?”
“I'll try.”
He jumped slightlywhen she placed a hand on his thigh, the heat going straight to hiscock.
“Nothing.”His hands tightened on the wheel as he made the turn off. “It’sjust-“ He placed a hand over hers and squeezed. “Youtrigger something that’s hard to explain.” He let out hisbreath slowly. “I have to remind myself that you’repregnant.”
They arrived and ashe pulled the car into the narrow dirt road, they sat there staringat the ball of fire from the setting sun. Her hand was clasped in hisand they both felt a sense of peace.
“It’stimes like these I realize how fortunate and blessed I am.” Sheslid closer to him and his arm came around her shoulder. “It’sso beautiful.”
“It is.”
“How long arewe staying?”
“A month,maybe.”
Turning her head, shegave him a wry look. “You’re saying that to get a riseout of me.”
“What if Iwanted a month for us to be alone together? Where we can spend thetime here and get to know each other?”
“You’d goout of your mind with worry. My doctor is miles away.”