Page 11 of Nigel
He could call Gerald.He knew his friend would not mind making house calls, but he wasdamned if he was going to allow this - this pesky virus to get thebetter of him. He would weather the storm, drink lots of fluids andtry to get some sleep. But drinking fluids had a downside to it. Thatwould mean visits, lots of them, to the bathroom and his knees werelike jelly.
Flopping back againstthe pillows, he closed his eyes wearily and reached for his phone. Itwas time to admit defeat and let his assistant know that he would beworking from home today.
Ava could not helpbut be intrigued and dazzled by the building itself. It was set farback from a private road and the fact that it was in the heart of thecity but set apart from it was fascinating. You would have access tothe entertainment provided, but not get caught up with the hustle andbustle of it. And the neighbors were about a mile away from eachother.
Driving into the longsquare building, she went ahead and parked inside the undergroundgarage. She was certain there were cameras everywhere, as there wereno security guards around.
A frown touched herbrow as she exited the vehicle and stood there in the large parkingarea. She counted five regular vehicles, a very sharp lookingmotorcycle, a black stretch limousine, a red Porsche, two electricvehicles and a scooter.
A scooter? Really?She rolled her eyes, the term midlife crisis popping into her head.He was only one man, what the hell was he doing with all this?Hurrying to the elevator, she punched the button that would take herstraight up to his suite. Keying in the code, she stepped intoabsolute luxury. The burst of color took her breath away.
The foyer was largeand spacious and had steps leading into a living room that wasmagnificently decorated. Splashes of artworks hung on silkenwallpapers. There was a baby grand piano tucked into one corner ofthe room and the floor to ceiling glass offered a stunning view ofthe wild beauty of trees and a sparkling lake.
She was impressed, itcould not be helped. Shaking her head, she made her way upstairs. Thebedrooms first and then the living room. Jane had written everythingdown for her – given her instructions on how to proceed.
There were fourbedrooms with their own bathrooms, an office- “It’salways locked, so there is no need to worry about it.”
Running her hand overthe spiral banister, she made her way upstairs where she encounteredmore expensive artwork. She had just opened the rich oak double doorswhen she heard the groan.
For a second, shestood still and wondered if she was hearing things. Then it cameagain. Someone was in the house. She had been told that the place wasempty. Taking a deep breath, she stepped cautiously down the steps,her feet sinking into thick blue carpet.
She passed throughthe elegant cream and blue sitting room and stepped into a green andblue bedroom that was twice the size of hers. The groan from theocean sized bed drew her attention to see a man propped up on severalpillows.
“Who the hellare you?” he croaked.
“The maid.”She shook her head as she walked further into the room. “Youare Nigel Hawthorne?”
“Nothing wrongwith your eyesight.”
“I was toldthat no one would be here.”
“Make yourselfuseful and grab me a glass of water and add some brandy, would you?”
“What’swrong with you?”
“I am burningup and my throat feels like someone poured acid down it.”
“Perhaps youshould call a doctor,” she ventured, staying right where shewas.
“You think?”He coughed violently, holding his head between his hands. His facewas flushed and his eyes bleary.
She moved then, goingto a cabinet to reach for the decanter and poured the water into aglass and brought it to him. He drank it down in one gulp. He handedher the glass and she almost yelped at the heat from his skin.
“Shit! You areburning up.”
“Yeah.”He flopped back against the pillows and closed his eyes.
Moving forward, sheplaced the back of her hand over his forehead and started.
“You reallyshould call a doctor.”
“I hatedoctors.” He opened his eyes, the hazel of them burning bright.“You are here.”
“I don’thave a medical degree.”