Page 15 of Nigel
He watched her leavethe room, a thoughtful expression on his face.
Chapter 4
She had spent almostthe entire day at his place and had to call and tell Monica that shewould not be making her appointments for the rest of the day. A quickglance at her watch showed her that it was almost half of twoalready.
And she could notleave until she was certain he was going to be okay. The stubborn manrefused to call a doctor! She loitered downstairs, giving him enoughtime to get back into bed.
She had closed thedoor when she was leaving the room and made sure to knock.
"Come in,"he called out.
Stepping back intothe room, she smelled the scent of a masculine body wash and realizedhe had taken a shower. And he was propped up against the pillows. "Ifeel like a whole new person." He watched as she stood there inthe middle of the room as if uncertain, she should venture infurther. "You are finished then?"
"Just about. Ihave the other rooms to take care of."
"And I havetaken up most of your time. I have every intention of compensatingyou for the extra work."
He had washed hishair and it was still drying, a lock falling down on his forehead.
"That would belovely. Would you like anything more to eat?"
"I was thinkingwe could share a meal."
She gave him asurprised look. "I am the maid," she pointed out.
"And maids donot eat?" He gave her a quizzical look.
"Not with thepeople they are working for."
"I am sure youare hungry and I did not realize that was a rule."
"It's not or itis, but it would be unseemly to share a meal."
"I won't tell ifyou won't." He was definitely laughing at her.
Her chin lifted. "Doyou share a meal with Mrs. Gordon?"
"No. We arenever usually here at the same time."
"And if you werehere, would you even consider sharing one with her?"
"No, she wouldbe horrified if I even suggested it."
"There you go.It's not the thing to do. We know how to stay in our lane."
"I am hungry andI do believe you are as well." He swung his legs off the bed.
"What are youdoing?"
"Goingdownstairs to see what's there. I am keeping you from performing yourtasks. When you are through, meet me in the kitchen."
"Mr. Hawthorne-"
"Nigel." Hesent her an amused look as he shoved his feet into leather slippers."You have seen me at my worst, it makes sense to call me by mygiven name."
"I cannot have ameal with you."
"I will bewaiting for you in the kitchen." He strode out before she couldprotest even more, leaving her standing there looking after him infrustration.