Page 35 of Nigel
"I cannotconcentrate when you-" She blew out a breath. "Just stop."
"It doesn't takea lot of concentration to eat. You are not performing surgery."He was openly laughing at her now.
"Very funny."
"I thought so."He stopped touching her so that he could eat and she could feel thehot need in her dissipating somewhat.
"What gave youthe idea to form a company like that?"
The sudden change oftopic threw her a little and it took some time for her to adjust herthoughts. "I did some heavy research."
He nodded inapproval. "And saw the need."
"Yes." Sherelaxed enough to lean back against the cushions. "My mother wasa maid."
"Oh?" Hesent her a quizzical look.
"And I was therewith her on the job enough to realize what she went through to bringus up. Her employer treated her like trash."
"The reason whyyou dislike those in my society," he hazarded.
"Exactly. Andthe reason why I could not be in a relationship with you. One of."
His mouth tightened."You cannot possibly be tarring me with the same brush. I treatpeople fairly."
"It does notmatter."
"Oh, but itdoes." Setting his glass down, he took hers and put it awaybefore turning her to face him. "I won't let you."
She bristled, eyesflashing. "Now wait just a damn minute-"
"No."Determination was stamped on his face. "I am sticking. And Iintend to show you unequivocally that I am not like that. I need youin my life-"
"That'sridiculous-" She broke off with a gasp as he hauled her againsthim and crushed his lips to hers. She fought him on principle, but itwas just for form. With a whimper, she curved her arms around hisneck and kissed him back.
The kiss took on awildness that had him dragging the blanket off her to feel her skin.her nipples made grooves in his chest and drove him crazy with need.Dragging his lips from hers, he shoved away and lunged to his feet.
"Christ!Christ!" Pacing a tight circle, he tunneled his fingers throughhis hair and fought for control. "I cannot stop. Good Christ! Icannot stop. It's maddening how much I am craving you."
She was shaking, herbody hot, nipples hard as pebbles and her sex aching. She did notunderstand what was happening to her. He stared at her for a fewminutes before looking at the simple watch on his wrist.
"It's almosteleven and we have work. We should sleep. We should rest." Hisexpression was hooded. "I cannot be near you, next to you andnot want you. It would be best if you slept in one of the guest roomsor we are not going to get any sleep tonight."
"I don't care."She threw off the blanket and rose. "I need-" She closedher eyes. "I need to feel you inside me."
"Do youunderstand what you are saying?" he demanded harshly.
"Yes. I do."
She watched as hestruggled and then with an abrupt nod, he took her hand and led herfrom the room.
"The food-"
"Will stay rightthere, unless you did not have enough."
"I did."
They made their wayup the stairs and into the bedroom where she had seen him sweatingfrom a fever. It seemed like it was such a long time instead of a fewdays ago. Sliding into bed, she watched as he ditched his trousersand joined her. "I want to just hold you; breathe your scentin."