Page 37 of Nigel
"How much time?"he asked her tightly.
"A week or two."
He felt the fearspreading and his heart squeezing inside his chest.
"I cannot giveyou that. Take a day-"
"That was not arequest. This is going too fast and I-I need time to- I cannot be ina relationship with you."
"You are leavingme." He rose to his feet, expression bleak.
"We were neverin a relationship!" She almost stamped her feet in frustration."We need time, both of us to figure things out. This is crazy."
"I am in lovewith you-"
"See? Rightthere, that is something I cannot fathom. You just met me. I am noteven your type. "
"I am old enoughto know what I feel-"
"Are you? I amforty-three years old and not some stupid twenty-year-old girl withstars in her eyes-" She broke off as his face whitened and hiseyes went dark. "Oh God. I am sorry."
He nodded at that, ablank expression coming over his face. She realized that she hadcrossed the line.
"Take the time,"he told her formally, moving forward to pick up her case. "Andcall me when and if you have changed your mind." With that, hewalked out of the kitchen.
"Dammit,"she whispered wearily. "Nice work Ava." Taking a breath,she followed him out and saw him standing at the front door, with herjacket in his hand.
"Look, I amsorry-"
"So am I."His deep voice was cool and distant. He helped her with her jacketbefore opening the door.
"I-I will seeyou."
He did not answer butgave a regal nod of his head as he ushered her out. The intenselypassionate lover was gone to be replaced by a man she barelyrecognized.
He gave another nodand shut the doors as soon as she stepped out.
For a minute, shejust stood there. She had hurt him in the worst possible way and feltlike crap. But what was she supposed to do, she asked herself wearilyas she made her way to the elevator?
He was talkingnonsense about being in love with her and hinting that she shouldlive with him. They had only just met and she was saving them fromhurt and pain in the future. They were not suited. Not in the leastbit.
She made it down toher vehicle and sat there, staring off into nothing. The sex wasincredible, but it was just that - sex.
She would be a foolto mistake it for something else. He could get just about any womanhe wanted and she was certain over time he would move on. Ignoringthe pain that brought her, she pushed the start button and made herway out of the lot.
He embraced the pain.After she left, he just simply stood there in the foyer, allowing theheart of him to shatter and splinter. She had thrown his love back inhis face and told him she wanted time. She had hurt him like no onehad ever done before. He had been a fool to fall so quickly and sointensely.
He had given her thepower to squeeze the life out of him. Not even when he had discoveredwhat had happened to Sara had floored him so much. He had thoughtabout running after her and begging her to stay, to change her mind,but that would have given her the ultimate power.
And perhaps she wasright. It was happening too quickly. They both needed space and timeto sort things out.
And if she does notcome back? The voice whispered inside his head.