Page 43 of Nigel
Taking a deep breath,she shut the doors behind her and dropped her pocketbook as she madeher way towards him. "I am not leaving. I hurt you and for that,I will find it difficult to forgive myself. But I am not leaving."
"I want you to."His eyes had turned from cold and impassive to blazing fury. "Youbroke me! And I cannot bear the sight of you-" He jerked awaywhen she reached out to touch his face.
"I am notleaving. Shout at me, call me names, but I am staying. I cannotsleep-" Her hands cupped his face and he went rigid. "Icannot eat, cannot concentrate on work-" His hands came up togrip her wrists, his face hard and taut with anger or was it pain.
"Damn you,"he whispered thickly. His fingers were digging into her flesh, butshe did not care. She just wanted to hear him tell her that she wasforgiven. That there was a chance for them. "Just go."
"No." Shewent on her toes to press her lips against his. At first, he foughther, clamping his lips closed. But she used her tongue, tracing theoutline of his bottom lip until she felt him quivering.
The hands grippingher wrists, raced down her arms and up again to grip the back of herneck. He sent pins scattering, fingers digging into her hair andyanking her head back. His mouth seized hers hungrily and with atortured cry, she kissed him back.
Dragging her downonto the carpet, he tore at her blouse, sending buttons flying. Shepulled at his shirt and ruined it, tearing at the fine cotton. Hislips were still locked on hers as they both fought to get rid oftheir clothing.
Yanking her upagainst the sofa, he reached down to take off her shoes and draggedoff her pants. With a frustrated cry, he sat down to take off hisshoes and his dress pants. His shirt was hanging onto his shouldersin tatters.
They were finallynaked and covering her body with his, he entered her swiftly, hisface hard and taut with passion. "You hurt me." His lipsraced over her cheek, her nose, her lips and then to her forehead.
"I won't do itagain," she promised breathlessly, hands touching his broadshoulders and the hard planes of his back. "I won't."
"I could notbear it. I could not sleep-" He pressed his lips to hers againand had the emotions swamping her. "You left-"
"I won't- OhNigel, I cannot bear it." Her body moved beneath his, forcinghim to do the same. "Nothing has ever felt so good. Don't stop.Oh, please don't stop."
Her words fueled hisdesire to breaking point. He increased the pace, fingers digging intoher hips as he sank deep into her. He kissed her hungrily, pouringtwo weeks of misery and heartbreak into the kiss and sending themboth spinning. He came before her, his body jerking on top of hers ashe climaxed viciously.
"I am sorry-"
"You did notcome."
"It does notmatter."
"It does to me."Easing out of her, he moved down her body, kissing her throat andthen zeroing on her nipples. Ava cried out sharply as he suckledhungrily. One hand went between her thighs to stroke her swollenflesh and that was all it took.
She came, her bodyconvulsing, his name on her lips as the climax claimed her and tookover. Moving next to her, he gathered her into his arms where sheburied her face into his chest, her body still trembling.
She was content tostay just like this, his arms wrapped securely around her body andthe drugged feel of the lovemaking still enveloping her.
"We have totalk," he said quietly.
"Hmm," shewhispered in his chest.
"Do we have to?"she asked him plaintively. "I just want to stay like this forthe rest of the evening."
"Andafterwards?" he asked her casually.
She realized what hewas asking, even though he was not saying the words.
Shifting, she liftedher head to look at him and saw the inscrutable look on his face.
"Afterwards westart over."
"And then?"he persisted.
"I packed asuitcase with a few things."