Page 47 of Nigel
"You do?"
She nodded. "Ihave all these emotions, this powerful need to be with you all thetime. We should blow off work and spend the day together - in bed."
"You havethings-" He blew out a breath and felt the temptation to do justthat. "I have meetings- Oh Christ!" he groaned, mashing hisforehead against hers. "I want to take you to a villa I have inthe South of France-"
"We could justhang."
"Yes." Hewas kissing her cheek, his body already hard and throbbing. "Yes."
"You could callyour housekeeper to tell her to take the day." She was reachinginto the waistband of his sweats to close her fingers around the hotlength of him.
"I will. Christ!You are killing me."
"We could makelove in that big ass living room of yours, on a blanket by thefireplace."
"There is nofire," he said foolishly. "It's summer."
"It does notmatter." She was coating the tip of him, smoothing her fingerover it and sending him into another realm.
"Anything.Just-" He took her lips with his and kissed her hungrily. "Icannot get enough." his breathing was labored, like a man whohad just finished running a marathon.
"You aredressed."
"I will remedythat." Stepping away, she took his hand and he allowed himselfto be led out of the room and up the stairs. He felt giddy, like aschoolboy playing hooky. She made him feel young and carefree. He wasthe CEO of vast holdings and he had just agreed to blow off work.
She called her placeas soon as they were inside the bedroom. "Hey Monica, I am notgoing to make it in today. Reschedule everything for tomorrow and donot call, unless the place is on fire." She hung up and tossedthe phone. "Your turn."
He did the same andwatched as she took off her clothes and climbed into bed.
"Oh yes."He made the call and put the phone away. "I thought we weregoing to be staying in the living room."
"Eventually.Come here," she suggested softly and he climbed into her arms.
Chapter 10
“We got allthese crumbs on your very expensive sheet.” He had eventuallygone back downstairs to get them some breakfast. And they had eatenit in bed. “The housekeeper is going to be mad.”
“It’s herjob.” Taking the tray, he put it away, before gathering her inhis arms. Her head drifted to his shoulders with a contented sigh.Her hair was tousled and she looked well used and sated. He wouldgive them both time to recover, before he started all over again.
She covered a hugeyawn and snuggled. “Nothing. You wore me out.”
“It’s theother way around. It’s a beautiful day. We could go and sit outon the patio and look at the ducks in the pond.”
Her eyes popped openand she lifted her head to look at him. “You have a pond, withducks?”
“Hmm.” Heslanted her an amused look as he tucked away her hair. “And agarden blazing with flowers. There is also a gazebo. We could have apicnic. It’s not so hot out.”
“We could havelunch outdoors.” The idea was taking root. “It would giveus the chance to get our strength back.”
“There is that”he agreed.
“In a minute.”He took her hand and kissed the knuckles. “I don’t know alot about you.”