Page 51 of Nigel
His fingers tensed.“The conference call, that’s what it was all about.”
“Where?”She could not believe the drop in her stomach.
“London. Aproject we started there needs my attention. Come with me.”
He laughed shakily.“I ended the conversation and sat there thinking and wonderinghow the hell I was going to survive a few days without you. And thenit occurred to me that I should ask you to accompany me. I am goingto Kent and would love to show you the sights.”
“Nigel- “
“We have thisdelightful flat-“ he plowed on desperately. “It’salways ready and waiting for me whenever I visit. It originallybelonged to my mother. Did I tell you that she grew up in the UK?”
“No.” Sheshook her head in a daze.
“She did. Shemet my dad in London at an art showing.” He was rubbing hishands up and down her arms. “Say yes.”
“I blew off theday to be with you.”
“I know.”He huffed out a breath. “I am asking a lot. I can put the tripoff, perhaps send someone- “
“No.” Shelifted her hands to frame his face. “I love you.”
He started, theemotions swirling in his eyes. “I am yet to get used to it.”
“It is new forme, all of this. I have never been in love before and when I didthink about it, I always envisioned something comfortable, likeputting on an old robe. This is not what is happening. I cannotbreathe when I am with you.”
“You wantspace.” There was a bleak expression on his face that made herwant to hit him over the head.
“That iscompletely not what I am saying. What I am trying to get through yourthick head is that I was given a bonus. I never expected anythinglike this and I am in a daze. I feel so blessed that I have no ideawhat to do with myself.
And you want me tocome with you because you think I am going to change my mind. I wouldlike you to give me some credit.” She drew a shaky breath. “Iam stuck Nigel, there is no way I am leaving.”
Leaning forward, hepressed his forehead against hers.
“I am muckingthings up,” he whispered hoarsely.
“Kinda.”She wrapped her hands around him in a tight embrace. “I stilllove you though.”
“Tell meagain.” Lifting his head, he tilted her chin up. “Tell meI have nothing to worry about when I leave. That I am going to comeback and you will still feel the same way.”
“I will stillfeel the same if you went away for a month, two months, a year.”She touched his face gently. “My feelings will never change.”She injected a teasing tone into her voice. “Are you trying toget out of meeting my family?”
“The thoughtoccurred to me.” His eyes darkened as he looked at her. “Wehave a lot to do, if I am to leave here in the morning.”
“I would say wedo. Eat first and then screw our brains out after.”
He laughed,absolutely delighted by her. “In that order.”
That night he madelove to her with a restless and edgy energy that had her crying outin surrender. It was as if he was trying to put his stamp on her,literally.
He left marks on theside of her neck, and on both breasts, marks that he made with histeeth and soothed the sting with his tongue. He allowed them to restfor about an hour before he started all over again.
“What time isyour flight?” Ave had every intention of going home after workto crash. She was exhausted, her body wrung dry. She could notbelieve the man had this much stamina.
“The pilot iswaiting.” He was afraid to touch her because he knew what thatwould set off. He had been unreasonable last night and this morningand it had to stop. “You made coffee. Thanks.”