Page 54 of Nigel
“Love has nodamn type and if you go to this luncheon, both you and Jeff with thisattitude, you are going to end up pissing her off.”
“If he hurtsher- “
“Oh shut thehell up Jeffry. I will be at the restaurant. Where will it be?”
“Luce’s,”Lionel offered.
“Of course. Iwill be there,” Jeffry promised and hung up.
“How long haveyou known about this?”
because she could notunderstand why a guy like Hawthorne would be interested in her.”
“I am thinkingthe same thing.”
“Then you arean ass. I have patients waiting.” Kyle hung up before he couldsay anything else.
Lionel pressed theintercom to let his assistant know that he would be going out forlunch and did not want to be disturbed. He continued scrollingthrough, brows lifting as he studied the many accomplishments the manand his company had achieved.
His designs werebrilliant to say the least. He had taken decrepit buildings doomed tobe demolished and turned them into masterpieces. He was like apainter with an empty canvas.
He was alsoforty-five and still single. Why the hell was a man like that –with looks and unlimited resources - still single at his age? He knewhis sister was quite attractive, but she was a plus sized blackwoman. This man was white and extremely wealthy. And what? After amonth, he decided he was in love with Ava?
He was not just beinga damn lawyer; his antenna was up.
Clicking off thepage, he leaned back in the chair, a frown knitting his brow. He knewhis sister. The slightest inkling of disapproval or suspicion, wasgoing to put her back up. He was going to have to tread carefully.And Jeffry was even worse. The man had a detective shield and figuredthat gave him the right to protect his family from everything.
Tapping his fountainpen on the desk, he narrowed his eyes. He was going to have a talkwith Mr. Nigel Hawthorne, one on one.
“Hey you. Ithought I was not supposed to get a call until you landed.”
“Is it a crimefor a guy to call his girl while in transit?”
His deep culturedvoice did something funny to her stomach.
“We are usinglabels now?” She was rushing to finish a report so she couldmake the lunch meeting.
“The label Iwould love to use, is that of your husband, your lover and bestfriend.”
“Two out ofthree for now is not that bad.”
“I really meanit Ava. I want to marry you right now.”
“I know. And Iwant that too.” She hesitated briefly. “I called a familymeeting, with just my brothers and am heading there now. I am goingto tell them.”
“I thought youwould have waited until I returned.”
“I just wantthem to be aware of the circumstances. I was thinking family dinnerwhen you get back.”
“Sounds fun.”
She laughed at that.“I promise it will not be that bad. How long before you land?”
“In anotherhour. I will call you then.”