Page 63 of Nigel
“He sounds likea stand-up guy,” Lionel murmured. “And he has some priceylawyers on retainer.”
“I don’twant him to think that I am into him for what he can offer. And I amnot going to use his lawyers. You are a lawyer.”
“Who deals inreal estate. Sit.” He patted the space next to him. “It’sgoing to be fine.”
They both looked up as Jeffry came intothe room with a battered and bruised Jenny.
Shock kept Ava in herseat for a few seconds and was about to bolt towards the woman whenJeffry shook his head.
“Ava, I amsorry,” she whispered, lips trembling. “He said that Iattacked him.“
“Which is pureBS.” Ava stared at Jeffry. “Is she free to go?”
“Not yet. Wehave to process her.”
“Thomas ispressing charges.”
“What does thatmean?” Jenny turned to look at Jeffry, eyes brimming withtears.
“It means thathe is trying to make trouble.” Lionel rose. “I need amoment to confer with my client.” He gave Jenny a reassuringsmile before turning to look at his sister. “I will representher until we find someone else.”
Reaching out, shegripped his hand. “Thanks.”
“Of course.”
By the timeeverything was dealt with and they got Jenny to a hospital to treather bruises, she was late getting home.
She had been socaught up by the entire thing that she had not given a second thoughtto the conversation she had with Nigel where he had told her that hewas on his way back. Bounding up the stairs, she stripped offeverything and slid between the sheets.
She was out like alight, jumping up when she heard the phone ringing. Her heartquickened its beat when she realized who it was.
“I am on my wayto the apartment.”
“You are here?”
“Yes. I can askthe driver to take me to your place. What’s the address?”
She reeled it offbefore pushing the sheets away and swinging her legs off the bed.
“I cannotbelieve you came. Nigel, you did not have to cut your trip short.”
“We are a unit.I have to be here for you.”
“Are youthinking of racking up boyfriend points?” she asked him huskilyas she shrugged into her robe.
“I am certainlynot a boy. I am your soon to be husband.”
“That soundsvery good. How far away are you?”
He consulted with thedriver. “Approximately fifteen minutes.”
“I will waitdownstairs.”
Hanging up the phone,she dashed into the bathroom to brush her teeth and splash water overher face.
The robe was an oldcomfortable one, but she was naked underneath. It would do.