Page 80 of Nigel
"I am gettingmarried," she whispered, pressing a hand against her stomach."Today."
"In a fewminutes actually," Dahlia reminded her, looking radiant in applegreen.
"And from allappearances, the guests are already seated. It's a beautiful day fora wedding." Maria was wearing teal blue, with a figure-huggingbosom and swirling skirt.
"Where isChloe?"
"With her daddy.I had to send her down to him as she was getting on my damn nerves."Dahlia sent her a grin. "She is completely crushing on yourintended."
"She is my nieceand I love her to death, but I am willing to get down and dirty formy man."
"Girl, you lookstunning. The ice blue was a great idea." They whirled around tosee Leesa, wearing a chic and sexy blue and green summer dress waltzinto the room, followed by Kelly and Monique.
"Don't you lookamazing?" Kelly murmured with a smile.
"Thanks forsending the makeup artist. He was a fruit cake, but he knows hisstuff. I almost do not recognize myself."
The women laughed atthat as they crowded inside her room and started fussing. Someonegrabbed her necklace; the one Nigel had given her and someone elsepinned the blue brooch that had belonged to her mom. The bouquet,made of tea roses, the color of red, pink and white was handed toher.
"I love what hedid to your hair." Monique touched her arm lightly. She admiredthe swirls of tight curls that were swept back from the left side ofher face and secured by a jeweled clip to tumble artlessly down herback.
"Your man iswaiting," Kelly reminded her.
"Then I hadbetter get moving."
He kept clasping andunclasping his hands. She had spent the night here, away from himbecause of some stupid tradition and they had argued about it atlength.
"We are notpeople in our twenties."
"Please don'tremind me."
"My point is, weshould be able to do as we damn well please. I need you next to me inbed."
"We are having agirl's night, shower, whatever and my brothers and your friends wantto throw you a stag party, minus the strippers. That's a dealbreaker. It's just one night."
"I need you withme. Have the party and then come home to me."
"You are beingunreasonable," she had told him and he supposed he had been. Buthe panicked. What if something went wrong - what if- all of the crazywhat ifs had tumbled around inside his head and he had barely beenable to concentrate on the party held in his honor.
Now she was walkingtowards him, looking so beautiful that it hurt his heart. Hisbreathing was constricted and he could feel the overwhelming yearningthat had become a constant thing since he met her.
Forcing himself towait for her brother to bring her to him, he concentrated on herface, a smile touching his lips.
"Hi." Hereached out a hand to take hers, gripping her fingers in his.
"Hi," shewhispered tremulously. "You made it."
"I wouldn't havemissed it for the world." He drew her towards him as they turnedto face the minister who would be performing the ceremony.
He kept her hand inhis, fingers linked as they exchanged their vows before God, friendsand family. The ceremony was over in fifteen minutes and they weredeclared husband and wife.
"You may kissyour bride."
He did not have to beasked twice. Drawing her into his arms, he cupped her face, hazeleyes burning into hers.