Page 11 of Mad As Hell
“Please do. I filed all the necessary paperwork for the death of Madison Porter. Go and tell anyone you want that you’re her. I’ll have no problem convincing people that my deeply disturbed daughter has lost her mind. I know more than a few judges and psychologists who would happily sign off on your mentally unstable status.” He chuckled and shook his head, seeming genuinely amused that I would consider going against him.
He was right. I had no way to prove I was really Madison. I didn’t have a driver’s license or any kind of proof that I was me. In fact, the opposite was true. All the credit cards and identification I had were in Madelaine’s name.
“So, what do you want?” I demanded flatly, trying to suppress a shudder of revulsion. “And where’s my mom?”
“Safe. For now,” he added as an afterthought. “Whether or not she remains that way is entirely on your shoulders.”
I closed my eyes, bracing for whatever came next.
“You will, of course, be returning to Pacific Cross. Once you’ve healed, obviously. If I thought I could sell Ryan doing that damage to you, I would, but honestly it’s more drama than I need right now.”
“Of course,” I agreed, sarcasm thick in my tone.
“You’ll still marry Ryan, and once the nuptials are finalized, you’ll sign over your inheritance to me, and me alone.”
“I thought you and Beckett were splitting it,” I muttered.
“Things change.”
I lifted a brow. “Won’t my darling husband have something to say about that?”
He shrugged, the picture of indifference. “Not my problem. I have plans that no longer include the Cain family. Beckett should’ve considered all he had to lose before insulting me with the petty addition to our arrangement. I hope the ten million is worth it.”
“Why are you even telling me this? What’s to stop me from making another deal with Ryan or Beckett?” I challenged. But we both knew the answer to that question.
He crossed one leg over the other like he had all the time in the world. “It would be most unfortunate for them to learn of my plans, Maddie. Your mother would be… well, she'd be absolutely sick over it. In fact, so sick she might not recover.”
I sucked in a ragged breath.
“Or, I know a few men in Indonesia who would like a permanent toy. I can’t promise they would keep her flying high for what they have in mind. Truthfully, they love it when their toys scream and fight back.”
I shuddered, bile burning as it crawled up my throat.
“You betray me? And your mother will pay. You will pay. Fuck, I might even arrange for the Whittier brat to take a trip overseas herself.” He leaned forward, a maniacal glint in his eyes. “You think she’s still a virgin? I could get top-dollar if she is. Pretty little innocent American girl?”
“Enough!” I tried to shout the word, but it came out strangled. “I’ll do it. Whatever you want, okay? Just… leave my mom and Bex alone.”
He wagged a finger at me with a grin. “See? This is why you’re so much easier than Madelaine. Little cunt only thought about herself. But you? No, Madison, you care. You actually love people, and that means you can be controlled.”
I hated him, but he was right. I knew it and couldn’t do a damn thing about it, unless there was a magical way to shut off my emotions.
“Once you get back to school, I’ll expect you to repair things with Ryan. I’ll need an insider’s point-of-view on what he and Beckett have going on.” Gary stood up and tugged down the cuffs of his shirt.
“How the hell am I supposed to do that? Ryan made it pretty clear that he hates me.” Not only that, but the idea of being anywhere near the guy who had emotionally eviscerated me was about as appealing as chewing glass.
“I’m sure you’ll think of something. Besides, you’ll have plenty of time to focus on Ryan. I’ve made the decision to clear your schedule so you can focus on your studies and what’s really important.”
“Meaning what?”
“No more cheerleading, for starters,” he answered.
My jaw dropped. “What? But… I’m the captain.”
“And now you’re not,” he replied icily. “While we’re talking about changes to your life, I’m sure you’ve noticed the food being brought to you? Consider this your new diet. I’ve already told the school that, with your allergy to consider, we’re taking extra care and I’ve arranged all your meals.”
“So, you’re going to tell me what I can eat now?”
“Little girl, I’ll tell you when you can shit if I want to,” he snarled, his cheeks flushing. His gaze raked over me in disgust. “At least your sister knew how to keep up appearances. You’re all muscle and bulk. You need to look like my heir. And my heir isn’t a fat cow.”