Page 129 of Mad As Hell
“They each have their own room here,” he replied. He gave Bex an apologetic look. “But you’ll have to take the couch or double up with someone.”
“She can have my room,” Court announced. He folded the last piece of his crust and shoved it into his mouth.
“No,” Bex argued, shaking her head. “I’m not taking your bed.”
“Fine.” He grinned at her. “Then I guess we’re sharing. Glad that’s settled.”
Her jaw dropped open. “That’s not… I didn’t mean…”
He reached over and closed her gaping mouth. “Not like it would be the first time.”
“Oh, really?” I shot them a curious look.
“We were kids,” she shot back, glaring at me. “I thought you were on my side.”
“Always am, babe,” I instantly quipped, meaning every word.
Ryan leaned around me, looking at Ash. “You seem quiet. Everything okay?”
Ash glanced up, his gaze unfocused, like we’d interrupted him plotting world domination. Which, it was Ash, so that was entirely possible. I didn’t even want to think of all the things the man could do with a computer.
Speaking of, maybe it was time to pull out Madelaine’s phone and check what else had been unlocked. My stomach soured as I wondered what other secrets she’d kept buried. I highly doubted it was a hidden talent for singing the ABCs backward.
“Just thinking,” Ash answered, pulling me from that train of thought.
“About?” Linc prompted.
Ash looked around the table before his gaze settled on me. “Victoria.”
My brows rose in confusion.
“We got her out. She’s safe. And she isn’t the only one. We could do the same with Maddie and Bex.”
“No.” I couldn’t shoot the idea down fast enough.
“Hold on,” Linc murmured, “he might be onto something. It doesn’t have to be permanent. We could get you and Bex out of the line of fire.”
Bex snorted. “And which one of you is going to sell that to my parents?” She made eye contact with each of them. “If I go missing, they’ll go ballistic.”
“But if they can’t find you—”
She slapped a hand over Court’s mouth before he could finish. “It’s a complication no one needs.”
“It doesn’t matter, because I’m not going,” I told them with as much decisiveness as I could manage to infuse into my tone. I met Ryan’s stare and held it, challenged it.
He sighed. “She’s staying.”
Ash let out a stunned noise. “Excuse me?”
Ryan’s eyes found mine again. “Maddie and I are better together, not apart.”
Court gave a low whistle. “Damn.”
Linc sighed. “I still think you should both consider leaving.”
“Would you leave any of us?” I demanded.
“Fuck no.”