Page 141 of Mad As Hell
He hesitated. “I honestly don’t know.”
“Is that what the others did? Kill someone?” I sucked in a deep breath.
“Court did. Ash… He had to hack into a political server and get dirt on a politician running for Vice President. When there was nothing to find, because he was actually a decent guy, he had to plant evidence that eventually got him arrested and put in prison.”
I gasped. “There’s an innocent man sitting in prison because of Ash?”
Ryan grimaced. “Not anymore. He was murdered a month into his sentence.” His eyes met mine. “That part wasn’t Ash, baby.”
“Jesus,” I swore, hanging my head. “And Linc? He seemed pretty upset.”
Ryan winced. “His was the worst. His dad runs the clubs, Mads, so the shit Kent had Linc do… I can’t talk about that. It’s Linc’s story.”
“It’s that bad?”
He nodded once, paling a little. “It’s that bad. It had to do with his sister.”
I winced, remembering Linc’s sister had been killed by an abusive ex. “Shit,” I muttered, running a hand through my hair as Bex appeared in the doorway, a guilty expression on her face.
“Uh, Maddie?” She held up my phone, which was ringing. “It’s Gary. It’s the second time he’s called.”
I reached for the phone, missing the chance to answer before it went to voicemail. Before I could unlock it and see if he left a message, it started ringing again. I swiped the answer button. “Hello?”
“Where the fuck have you been?” Gary snarled, his booming voice hurting my ear. “When I call, you fucking answer, unless—”
Ryan’s face turned thunderous and he started to reach for the phone. I twisted away.
“I’ve been with Ryan,” I cut him off coldly. “Isn’t that what you wanted?”
He huffed a breath. “I’m sure you were.”
I gritted my teeth. “Did you need something?”
“Watch your tone,” he snapped. “Do you need another lesson to remember who’s in charge?”
I gripped the phone and swallowed the comment I really wanted to make. “What can I do for you, Gary?”
“Better.” He sniffed. “I’m sending a car for you at five. We need to talk.”
A frown pulled down my lips. “And we can’t do that on the phone?”
“You’re right. Perhaps I’ll just spend the evening with your mother instead. I was thinking of inviting a few friends over. Perhaps Beckett is free.”
“Fine,” I replied, turning back to look at Ryan. “I’ll come to your house.”
Ryan’s eyes went wide, then his expression turned pissed. He definitely wasn’t on board with that plan.
“Alone,” Gary clarified. “Leave Cain behind. We have things to discuss. And Madison?”
I swallowed. “Yes?”
“You really don’t want to fucking test me tonight.”
“You’re not going.”