Page 159 of Mad As Hell
A week later, and the cracks in our group seemed to only be growing. As I sat at the lunch table in our usual spot, I looked around.
On the surface, everything looked normal.
Well, except for the kiddie table in the middle of the room where Brylee and her friends still sat. They mostly picked at their salads and scrolled through their phones while trying to look elegant perched on plastic chairs meant for six-year-olds.
Honestly, it was hilarious.
But glancing at the faces around our table, I could see the strain.
Bex still sat with us, but she pointedly ignored everyone except me. It had taken Court a few days before he’d finally quit trying. Even Linc seemed disinclined to try and draw her into conversation.
Ash sat on Bex’s other side and rarely spoke. He was constantly on his phone.
Ryan was my constant, day and night. He walked me to class without fail, somehow always managing to meet me when my last class of the day ended. Charles had given me shit for it the first few days, but yesterday he’d begrudgingly admitted that he was happy for me if I was happy.
Then he flipped Ryan off before walking away.
Nights with Ryan were my favorite for obvious reasons. I felt safest when I was tucked in his arms as I slipped into sleep. Having him near was as close to normal as I could get, and it was scary how easily we slipped into domesticity with each other.
But the biggest question that loomed in my brain was Gary and what he had planned.
He hadn’t reached out to me since the night he’d confronted me at his house, and there was a part of me that wanted to try texting him to instigate something.
Ryan was vehemently opposed to me having any contact with Gary.
The chimes signaling the end of the lunch period sounded, and the football players started leaving.
“Wait,” Ryan ordered when Linc and Bex started to gather their things. I shot Ryan a curious look, but he didn’t speak until the table was mostly gone.
“I need a final headcount for this week,” Ryan said, looking at Court.
“This week?” I wrinkled my nose, confused.
He smiled at me. “Thanksgiving. We’re all going to my grandfather’s. It’s tradition.” He glared at his friends. “And whatever shit we have going on between us, we’re putting it aside for him.”
Damn. I’d been so focused on surviving midterms this week that I’d forgotten tomorrow was our last day of classes. And it wasn’t like Mom and I had ever made a point to celebrate Thanksgiving, or any holiday really. It was just another day.
Court sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “I’ll reach out to my brothers and see who’s planning on being there.”
I reared back in surprise. “I thought you were an only child.”
His gaze flicked to me. “My father has another family. I have five half-brothers.”
“Another family?” I gaped at him.
“Jasper Woods had an obsession with the daughter of the family cook growing up. But Holly Ellis wasn’t exactly approved marriage material, so he set her up across town and had seven kids with her.” Court grimaced. “One of my brothers died when he was a kid, and my sister was stillborn.”
“I’m so sorry,” I murmured.
Court shrugged a bit. “It’s okay. I’m close with my brothers now that we’re all older. They hate the General more than I do.”
“So, there’s another five Woods brothers running around out there?” I chuckled.
“Ellis,” Court amended with a scowl. “They took their mom’s last name since they’re bastards.”