Page 191 of Mad As Hell
“Shall we?” Ash held out a hand.
I took it with a smile. “We shall.”
He led me down the stairs and toward a room at the back of the house. Linc and Bishop stood by the closed doors like sentries, and both smiled wide when they saw us. Both were dressed like Ash in black pants and white shirts.
“You look stunning.” Linc greeted me with a kiss to my cheek.
“Ryan doesn’t deserve you,” Bishop added. “But if you’re sure you want to hitch yourself to him for the rest of your life…”
“I’ve never been more sure of anything,” I swore.
“I’ll tell them we’re ready to start.” Bishop slipped inside the room, opening the door only wide enough for his body to fit through.
Nervous butterflies erupted in my stomach. I looked at Linc and Ash with concern. “You guys are sure we can trust the pastor not to say anything?”
Linc nodded. “He’s known the Harrises for decades. He won’t breathe a word. Grandpa already made sure.”
“Okay.” I fidgeted and then froze as the bridal march started playing.
I stared at them both. “Seriously?”
Linc shrugged with an unabashed smirk before turning and picking up a bouquet of roses to hand me. “Ryan wanted your wedding to be as authentic as possible.” With those words, he pulled open the door and revealed a completely transformed room.
The few guests we had were standing in front of silver chairs with white padded backs and seats. The sofas and chairs from before were gone. Flowers were everywhere—white and sterling roses. Some of the petals had been dipped in silver paint. A white carpet, lined with silver piping, made an aisle leading to an archway decorated with more flowers. The pastor stood under it, a Bible in his hands, but my eyes were on the man in front of him.
Ryan’s cerulean eyes widened for a second before a grin started. He actually licked his lips as his gaze roved down me, taking me in from head to toe. He looked absolutely gorgeous standing there, waiting for me. He wore dark pants, and his white shirt had been rolled up to show off those forearms I loved.
He was every fantasy, every dream, manifested in front of my eyes.
“Ready?” Ash whispered, holding out his arm.
I took it without hesitation. “God, yes.”
My fingers tightened around the crook of Ash’s arm as he began guiding me down the aisle to Ryan. Bex stood across from him, also waiting for me.
I looked around at the guests with a smile. Court, Royal, and Knight were on one side with Mr. Harris. Mrs. Beechum, Ms. Flounders, Bishop, and Linc on the other. It was small…and it was perfect.
This was all I needed. This man was all I would ever need.
The music, piped in from speakers hidden behind floral arrangements, slowly faded away.
“Fuck, you’re gorgeous,” Ryan breathed as soon as I was close enough for him to touch. He winced and glanced at the pastor. “Sorry.”
The older man smiled, looking bemused at Ryan’s slip.
Ash touched the small of my back reassuringly as he stepped around me and went to Ryan’s other side as his best man. I passed my flowers to Bex and fully faced Ryan.
His eyes glittered with emotion. “I love you.”
“I love you,” I repeated, meaning it with every single fiber of my being.
The pastor began the ceremony, speaking words I’d heard so many times on TV and in movies. But now they resonated deep in my bones.
Every promise.
Every vow.
I understood the weight behind the words, the intent that gave them power.