Page 210 of Mad As Hell
“Sick,” I finished grimly, stroking her hair away from her face.
With a groan, she crawled away and collapsed on the floor.
“Mom.” My heart broke for the hundredth time in my life as I watched her give up again.
“Just go.”
I slowly stood, ignoring the familiar smell of being covered in vomit. “Mom—”
“Go!” she screamed and broke down into more tears.
I forced myself to move to the door. “I’ll see you soon, Mom,” I promised.
Mrs. Delancey was waiting in the hallway. Her eyes went wide when she saw me. “Mad—”
I held up a hand. “I’m going to go take a shower and change. Can you tell Ga—my father that I’ll be down in a few minutes?”
She nodded. “Of course, dear.”
It was hard to walk away with dignity—bile dripping from my dress didn’t exactly scream classy—but I kept my head high and shoulders back as I made my way to Madelaine’s old room.
I grabbed a change of clothes and locked myself in the bathroom. I didn’t let my guard down until I was standing under the shower, the noise drowning out the sound of my sobs.
I could’ve hidden in the shower for hours, but I needed to finish up with Gary. I was emotionally drained, and all I wanted was to crawl into bed and have Ryan’s arms around me.
My body seemed to be on autopilot as I got dressed before going into the bedroom. I sat down at Madelaine’s vanity and tried to pull it together. My hands trembled with nervous energy, so I started to braid my hair, some of the ends damp from my impromptu shower.
I rummaged through the top drawer for a hair tie to secure my braid as someone knocked on the door. I jumped to my feet and slammed my knees into the open drawer.
“Shit!” I hissed the word as I reached down to rub my knee.
“Are you all right?” Mrs. Delancey called from the other side of the door.
“I’m fine,” I snapped with a little more heat than necessary.
She cleared her throat. “Your father wants to know—”
“I’m on my way now,” I replied, cutting her off. I pushed the drawer shut, but of course, it was stuck. I shoved again, harder, but it wouldn’t budge.
I ripped it out and muttered, “Motherfucker.”
And that was when I saw that part of the drawer had splintered.
No, not splintered. A panel of the wood had popped off, and there was something in there.
“What the hell?” I whispered, quickly prying the board back to take a look.
A tiny, flat rectangular SD card. I held it up to the light with a frown. Why would that be hidden in there?
Then again, why wouldn’t it be hidden there? My sister was the master of secrets.
I glanced around the room, wondering what else she’d hidden in this space.
Another knock on the door, this time more insistent. “Maddie?”