Page 224 of Mad As Hell
“Tonight when he’s jerking off, it’ll be your face he’s picturing,” Ryan growled, his hand brushing my lower back as he guided me through the large lobby.
The space was almost cavernous, and my heels echoed as we walked toward the turnstiles separating the lobby from the bank of elevators. Apart from the front desk and security desk, there was no furniture. Not even a potted plant. It was cold and impersonal, and all I could do was try not to shiver.
The white floor had silvery veins marbled through it, and there was a giant CAIN INDUSTRIES logo stamped in the middle, just in case someone forgot where they were.
Ryan didn’t hesitate as he walked us forward, not pausing at the desk. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a laminated card, swiping it across the reader on the turnstile. The metal arms folded down, allowing us through. At the elevator, he used the same pass to open one of the doors.
“So, CI owns the entire building?” I murmured after the doors slid shut.
He nodded, his expression tense as we started to ascend. “I’ll take you on a tour one of these days.”
I shuddered, thinking of walking the same halls Beckett had created and owned. “Pass.”
Ryan turned to me. “Mads, when he’s gone, we’ll make this company everything it should’ve been.”
I faced him, arching a brow and resisting the urge to smooth the front of my royal blue silk top. “I never wanted to be in charge of a Fortune five hundred company, Ry.”
“Top ten,” he corrected with a half-smile.
My mouth turned dry. “That, either.”
He reached for my hands. “You can do whatever you want, Maddie. I’ll support whatever goals you have as long as your ass is in my bed at the end of each day.”
I tipped my head back. “You say the sweetest things.”
The elevator doors opened with a soft chime, and my heart practically stopped. Everything in me froze as I took in the upscale reception area, complete with a receptionist who looked like she’d been plucked off a runway in Milan to work here.
Her big brown eyes were wide and her face pale as she sat with her head angled toward a closed set of doors behind her desk. I could already hear shouting male voices.
“Looks like we’re late to the party,” Ryan whispered with a smirk. He nodded at the receptionist.
She frantically patted down the front of her dress, her cleavage practically spilling out of the top. “Um, hi. Sorry. How can I—”
Ryan pointed to the doors. “Actually, we’re here for the meeting.”
Her eyes widened, and the short, dark bob around her ears seemed to tremble as she shook her head and looked worriedly at the calendar in front of her. “I don’t see—”
“We don’t have an appointment,” Ryan interrupted coldly. He flashed her a toothy smile that was more shark than man. “Tell you what, why don’t you take the rest of the day off?”
“What?” She gaped at him.
Ryan simply winked at her. “Look—” he glanced at the nameplate on the edge of her desk “—Sandi, not even your dick sucking skills are going to keep your job safe today.”
Her cheeks went a shade of ashen that didn’t seem possible under that much spray tan.
“I’d get out while you can,” Ryan finished, like they were old friends. The only sign that he wasn’t playing around was the hard look in his crystal eyes. “Seriously. Get the fuck out of here.”
Sandi swallowed, her gaze shooting to me like I could save her.
I gave her a cool smile. “He’s not kidding.”
She quickly grabbed her purse from the bottom drawer of her desk and stumbled to her feet. She shot us a worried look, but practically ran for the elevators.
Another ding echoed in the space, and Ryan pulled his phone out of his pocket. “Looks like everything’s in place.”
I sucked in a deep breath, feeling a little dizzy.
“Ready?” he asked me.