Page 228 of Mad As Hell
His hands instantly went to my waist, holding me close. “I’m good.” He brushed a lock of hair over my shoulder. “This has been a long time coming. It’s a relief.”
“Good,” I replied, lifting up the last few inches to kiss him softly. “I’m proud of you, Ryan.”
His eyes practically sparkled. “Thanks, baby. I’m proud of you, too.”
My brows lifted. “Me?”
He chuckled. “Yes, you. Most people wouldn’t have handled this whole mess with nearly the grace you have.”
“I think you’re mistaking grace for survival skills,” I joked, embarrassed by the praise. I tried to duck my head, but he caught my chin in his hand and forced me to keep my head high.
“I think you’re too modest for your own good,” he countered, his eyes searching mine. “You’re amazing, Madison Cain.”
I sighed, my insides flinching a bit. “Madelaine Cain, remember?”
He shrugged. “So we legally change your name. We can have the paperwork filed tomorrow making you officially Madison Cain.”
It was stupid to be hung up on a name, but hope thrummed in my chest. “Really?”
He laughed again. “Yes, really. Don’t you know I’d do anything for you?”
“I’m starting to get that,” I answered, smiling up at him. “But for right now? I’ll settle for you taking me home so we can officially celebrate taking control of the rest of our lives.”
He barely suppressed a smile. “Why, Mrs. Cain, are you propositioning me?”
I smirked, playing it coy even as I resisted the urge to climb him like my own personal jungle gym. “Let me try this again. Apparently I have a habit of being too… modest.” I leaned in, pressing my lips against his ear. “I want you to take me home and fuck me.”
Ryan groaned, the sound vibrating between us as his hand tightened on my hip. “Hell fucking yes. God, you’re perfect.”
I didn’t bother correcting him because was I perfect? Hell no.
But was I perfect for him? Hell yes.
We finished gathering up our papers and things before leaving the building. Both of us ignored the stares from the confused and worried employees as we left and as we waited for the valet to retrieve Ryan’s car.
We spent the hour drive back to Pacific Cross chatting about normal things: His upcoming playoffs schedule, which began Sunday. The classes I would take next semester. Christmas gifts for Corinne.
It was blissfully mundane and just what we needed.
“What about the frat?” I asked once he’d parked the car and we were walking hand-in-hand back to my dorm.
His lips pressed together. “I’m going to give it up. Honestly, I joined because I was a legacy and it was expected. It also gave me access to people, like Dean, that I needed to keep an eye on. But the only guys in there who truly are my brothers are Linc, Court, and Ash.”
“Think they’ll stay?” I glanced at him.
He shook his head. “Nah. We’ve talked about it. There’s nothing really left for us there. Not now. If anything, we’d have to constantly watch our backs, since a lot of those guys would love the chance to get in Linc’s dad’s good graces.”
“Won’t you all have to move out?” I frowned, wondering where they’d go.
He nodded. “Yeah.”
I was quiet as we walked up the stairs to the building. “We could… all live together,” I suggested.
Ryan paused, glancing at me with an unreadable look in his eyes. “You’d want that?”
I shrugged and tried to dismiss it. “It was just a thought.”
“No, wait.” He tightened his hand around mine when I tried to pull away. “Mads, we just got married. You want three of my friends to live with us?”