Page 86 of Mad As Hell
He took it in stride with a mild smirk. “Since I realized I was playing the long game to win you back, and I’m not about to set us back by sleeping with you to erase another man. You’d hate me in the morning, and I’m not losing any more ground with you.”
Unexpected tears welled in my eyes. “You’re right.”
“Can you say that again so I can record it?”
I punched his rock-hard abs lightly. “Ass.”
He released my throat and snagged my hand before drawing it to his lips and kissing my knuckles. “Easy, bruiser. I have a game next week.”
I rolled my eyes, thankful that he could put me at ease so effortlessly. “Can I get up and get dressed?”
His gaze dipped to where the towel was starting to gape open. With a ragged groan, he pushed up and walked to the balcony doors. “I can’t believe I actually shut you down.”
Now it was my turn to smile as I turned away and pulled out a set of pajamas from my dresser. With a rueful look, I turned back and gestured to the bathroom. “I’ll just… Yeah.” I ducked into the bathroom and closed the door.
I dressed and brushed my teeth before I attacked the wet, tangled mess of my hair. When I was done, I stared at my reflection in the mirror. The lingering flush in my cheeks was undeniable, but I could feel the cold beginning to seep in again at the realization that Ryan would be leaving, and I would be left alone.
Stomach in knots, I turned off the light and exited the bathroom. Ryan wasn’t in the room, and my heart sank before I realized I could hear voices in the front room.
Curious, I moved silently through my bedroom and paused in the doorway when I saw Ryan in front of the open door, talking to Ash.
Ash’s green eyes, serious and sparking with anger, moved to me. “Hey, Maddie. You okay?”
I nodded and wrapped my arms around my waist. “Yeah. Uh, what are you doing here?”
Ryan held up a duffel bag I hadn't noticed before turning to Ash. “I’ll catch you later, okay?”
Ash nodded. “Yeah. I’ll let you know if anything turns up.”
Ryan dipped his head in acknowledgment.
“What’s going on?” I asked softly, my eyes tracking back and forth between them.
“Nothing,” Ash said with an easy smile. “See you later, Mads.”
Ryan shut the door behind him, then looked at me while locking up.
“Do I get an explanation now?” I pressed.
“Nope,” he replied, brushing past me to enter the bedroom. He dropped the bag at the foot of my bed and stripped off his shirt.
Once I’d stopped swallowing my tongue and found my voice, I managed to get out, “What are you doing?”
Ryan turned to face me, giving me a glorious view of his sculpted chest and stomach. Hours on the gridiron and in the gym had honed his body to perfection.
“I’m getting ready for bed.” He jerked his chin at the bag. “Ash brought me some stuff.”
“You’re… staying?” The hesitance in my tone was fueled by hope. Some of the knots in my stomach untangled a bit.
“Of course I am.”
Relief coursed through me so hard and fast that I almost sagged against the door.
His smile turned soft, intimate. “Get in bed, Maddie.” He grabbed the bag and headed into the bathroom, kicking the door shut.
I didn’t hesitate to follow that order. I had barely gotten settled on my side of the bed when Ryan came back out in gray sweatpants that hung deliciously low on his narrow hips.
He paused at his side of the bed. “Put your tongue back in your mouth before I change my mind and put it where it belongs.”