Page 115 of Mad Love
I turned to him. “Do we need it?”
He frowned. “Need what? The money?”
I nodded.
He looked at me like I was crazy. “No, of course not. Phoenix has plenty of ventures that make more money than any of us could ever spend in a lifetime. Plus, there’s Brookfield.”
Dragging in a deep breath, I looked at Tyler. “Donate it.”
Her brows shot up. “What?”
“Donate it. Every single penny.”
“Uh, are you sure?” She glanced at the computer and then me. “It’s a lot of money. I mean, we’re talking—”
I shook my head. “I don’t want to know. It doesn’t matter. He’s hurt so many people… maybe this will counter some of that.”
“Any place in particular you want the money to go?” Tyler sat down in front of the screen and waited.
“Something for domestic abuse victims,” I murmured. Ryan’s arms tightened around me as he rested his chin on my shoulder. Bex gave me a supportive smile.
“Okay,” Tyler agreed. “Want me to make it anonymous?”
A slow smile spread across my face. “No. Make sure the entire world knows Gary Cabot donated it. I don’t want him trying to weasel the money back. If the public knows, then he’ll have to let it go to save face.”
Tyler cackled. “I love it.”
Inspiration struck me. “One more thing? Make sure you mention that it’s been donated in honor of Madison Porter.”
I was addicted to the way Maddie smiled. Her whole face lit up, and her eyes did this cute little crinkly thing that made my heart—and my dick—swell.
“Stop looking like you’re about to bend her over the table in front of everyone,” Ash murmured from my other side.
“Asshole,” I snapped, but there was zero heat to my tone as I elbowed him.
Ash chuckled, watching as Maddie used her hands to describe something to Bishop while we finished off the last of the pizzas. She had everyone’s attention except Court, who was still glowering about Bex, and Royal, who was working out logistics on his phone as he chewed his fourth slice of pizza.
Glancing around the table, I leaned back in my seat and twirled a lock of Maddie’s hair in my fingers. Almost everyone I cared about was sitting in this room right this second. I’d kill for these people, die for each of them.
Okay, maybe not for Chase, because I was still pretty sure he was into my girl. Fucker hadn’t stopped making moon eyes at her all night. Him I might sidestep a bullet for.
As if sensing my thoughts, Chase glanced at me. I took the opportunity to remind him that he could fantasize about Maddie all he wanted, but every night she was in my bed, screaming my name.
I hooked a foot on the leg of her chair and dragged it flush with mine, then wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Her conversation stuttered, and she looked at me with surprise that quickly turned into a warm smile as she leaned against my chest. I shot a smug look at Chase, amused to see him look at his plate like he’d just learned what pizza was.
Nails dug into my thigh, alerting me to the fact that Maddie wasn’t oblivious to what I was doing, but she kept talking to our friends.
My phone buzzed in my back pocket, but I ignored it. I had special ringtones set up for my grandfather and sister, and short of a message from them, I wasn’t letting go of the woman at my side.
But then Ash’s phone went off, followed by Court’s and then Linc’s. All three glanced at their screens, and their gazes instantly snapped to me.
“What?” Maddie asked, catching the tension as the conversation around us died out.
Trepidation churned in my gut as I pulled out my phone and unlocked it to see a message from Gary. I bit back a snort, wondering what the fucker could want. Probably more threats about us stealing his money.