Page 72 of Mad Love
The others were waiting for us by a massive SUV parked in front of the detached garage. Ryan strode right up to them. “Hold her for a second, and watch her back,” he ordered Linc, passing me to our friend like I was a baby.
“I can stand,” I started to protest.
Ryan scowled at me. “It’s barely twenty degrees and you don’t have shoes, Mads.” He turned and yanked open the back door to grab something.
“Fuck, it’s good to see you, girl,” Linc whispered, unusually emotional as he carefully hugged me and kissed the side of my head. Court came up beside us a second later, greeting me the same way. When Bishop went to do the same, Ryan shoved him back with a growl before working a pair of thick socks over my feet.
“What?” Bishop asked, winking at me as Linc set me down to jog to the driver’s side and turn on the SUV.
“Those two I’ll allow because she’s hurt,” Ryan ground out, “but you keep your fucking hands to yourself.”
“He’s been a grumpy ass since you disappeared,” Bishop told me, and then his expression softened. “Glad you see you in one piece.”
“Where’s Ash?” I asked, looking around for my other friend. Bex’s absence I expected—no way would Court or the guys let her near a situation like this.
“Waiting for us back home,” Ryan answered, linking our fingers and bringing my hand to his mouth to kiss. “Let’s get you in the car.”
I pointed to where the flames were still visible. “This you guys?”
“Knight,” Bishop replied, frowning. “Fucker gets to have all the fun.”
Royal rolled his eyes, eternally annoyed with his brothers. “We need to pick his ass up on the way, so let’s go.”
“Wait,” I said, looking back at the house. “What about my mother?”
Ryan shook his head. “Gary took her with him. Sorry, baby.”
“Don’t be,” I said, annoyed she’d somehow skated away once again. “Mrs. Delancey’s still inside.”
Ryan looked surprised. “The housekeeper?”
I nodded. “She’s sort of been helping me.”
“I can get her,” Bishop offered.
“Is there a car here she can use?” I countered, waiting for him to nod. “Then we’re not bringing her. Gary has her under his thumb, and I’m not sure we can trust her.”
“Okay.” Ryan looked ready to pick me up again. “Let’s get you out of here.”
I looked at the car, wondering how this would work. The idea of sitting as we bounced over the roads made me ache all over.
“Maddie and I will take the back,” Ryan announced, striding forward and opening the back door then flipping up the second row of seats and climbing into the third. He turned and held out a hand to me.
I grimaced as he helped me into the space, Court and Linc flanking me in case I fell back.
Ryan sat against one side. “Lay on your stomach,” he said, watching me intently.
“How’d you know?” I asked softly, doing as he suggested and resting my head in his lap. His fingers delved into my damp hair, stroking it as Court flipped the seat in front of us upright so he and Linc could get in that row.
Royal and Bishop got in front, and Royal started the car as Linc and Court turned around to look at me. I glanced out the closest window as we drove away from the house. Pink and orange swirls were just starting to tint the horizon as we sped away.
“Charles told us,” Ryan answered.
I jerked, trying to sit up, but Ryan kept my head pressed to his leg. “He’s alive?”
Court answered. “Showed up at the house a few hours ago.”