Page 13 of Into the Woods
She grinned. “I am well aware that I’m the shining light of the Moreau granddaughters.”
“Okay, first, there are only three of us,” I pointed out, “and it’s not like my train wreck of a life is giving you much competition.”
“So? Tell me about the train wreck,” Cami said with a soft smile. “I know my schedule is insane, but I love you, B. I’m always here for you.”
I exhaled a long breath. “First, I need you to promise not to get judgy.”
She pressed a hand to her chest, looking aghast. “I would never.”
“Sure.” I laughed. “Okay, let’s start with the fact that I made a friend at school.”
Her eyes widened with happiness for me. “Rebecca El—”
“It’s Madelaine Cabot,” I finished, knowing I couldn’t use Maddie’s real name. Did I trust Cami? Absolutely, but Maddie’s real identity was a secret for a lot of reasons, and she’d trusted me with that info. I wouldn’t betray her by telling Camille, or anyone, that Maddie was actually Madelaine’s twin, Madison, who had assumed her life after Madelaine was murdered.
Camille went from elated to enraged. “Rebecca Eleanor Whittier.” It came out frosty, if not outright hostile.
“That sounds a lot like your judgy tone.”
Her mouth snapped shut, but she still glowered at me.
“I can’t give you all the details, but Maddie isn’t who you think she is.” I picked my words carefully.
Cami scoffed. “Madelaine—”
“Maddie,” I cut in firmly. “She goes by Maddie, and kinda like the way you helped me bring Bex into the world? Maddie did the same. She’s not the evil psycho either of us thought she was. There was a lot going on behind the scenes, and she treated me like she did to protect me.”
“Where in the abuser’s handbook is that bullshit logic coming from?”
“Camille.” I eyed her, not willing to budge. “I need you to trust me, okay? Maddie is… I wouldn’t have survived the last few months without her.”
She still didn’t look convinced. “Bex, this girl once took out an advertisement for five-dollar blow jobs on the internet and gave people your number.”
I winced because, yeah, that had sucked. Pun not intended. “She also saved me from being date raped at a party last fall.”
Cami sucked in a sharp breath. “Oh, my God. Bex, why the hell didn’t you tell me?”
“I dunno,” I hedged. “I guess I was kinda embarrassed? I mean, the whole thing was stupid. I’m so not victim blaming, but I can admit I blew past the flashing warning signs. Anyway, Maddie got me out of there before something bad happened.”
“One good deed doesn’t undo years of torture,” Cami said, shaking her head. “Look, if you want to be besties with the enemy, then… okay. But I plan to remain skeptically displeased about this arrangement until… Well, just until.”
I couldn’t help but smile. Cami was fiercely loyal, and I’d called her in hysterical tears more than once after Madelaine had taken her bullying too far.
“Fair enough,” I muttered, running a hand through my hair. “The thing is, Maddie’s engaged. To Ryan Cain.”
Cami frowned. “Wait, I know that name.”
“Ryan Cain is best friends with… Court Woods.” I whispered the last two words, like uttering his name might invoke the man himself.
“Holy shit. The Court Woods?” Cami’s eyes were as big as a shocked cartoon character’s.
I nodded grimly. “Yeah.”
Cami looked around my room. “Tell me you have some kind of alcohol in here, because I need a damn drink for this conversation.”
“Cam, I’m serious.”
“So am I.” She stood up. “Be right back.” Before I could say anything, she was out the door. When she returned less than five minutes later with a bottle of champagne, I could only shake my head.