Page 138 of Into the Woods
“Jasper, what in the hell do you think you’re doing?” Dad glared at the man he’d once considered his best friend.
“Just making sure you hold up your end of the deal, Malcolm,” the general replied indifferently. He crossed the room to stand beside me, petting the top of my head like I was a labradoodle. “I had no idea your daughter grew up to be so stunning.”
Dad’s face was ashen. “Jas, no.”
Fingers teased the ends of my hair. “She’d be popular at The Palace.”
I’d never seen my dad get angry so fast. “Don’t you fucking dare even think it. I’ve done everything—”
“You think I don’t know about those side deals you’ve been cutting in Washington?” The general left me to stalk back to Dad, looming over him. “You think we don’t have men inside every single facet of that city? Even the fucking president knows who’s really in charge.”
Dad’s chest heaved, but he didn’t speak.
“You always were a fool, Malcolm,” Woods went on, sounding disgusted. “You may be a genius around a computer chip, but with everything else in the world? You’re useless. It just so happens that Kent and I still need you, and, to make sure you do as you’re told, I’ll teach you the same lesson I taught my son.”
Turning, Woods nodded to his goons. They were on me in a second, picking me up until the tips of my shoes barely touched the floor. The one on the right twisted my arm behind my back.
I cried out, sure my bone was going to pop out of my shoulder.
“Stop!” Dad exclaimed, getting up. “I’ll do what you want. I’m sorry, Jasper. I just… Fuck.” He stabbed his fingers through his hair. “I promise. I’ll do what you and Kent want, okay? Just don’t hurt my daughter.”
Another snap of the general’s fingers, and my arm was released.
“I’m so sorry, sweetie,” Dad said to me, his eyes pleading for me to understand.
“Don’t do what he wants,” I hissed. “I don’t care what they do to me—this is wrong.”
General Woods got in my face, blocking my view of my dad. “Think you’ll be saying that when I have you strapped to an altar in The Palace? While I’m picking the biggest, fattest cocks to split your pussy wide open? Letting men and women impale that asshole on whatever they want? Did you know that with the right amount of pressure, an asshole can fit a baseball bat inside?”
I tried to pull back, but there was nowhere to go.
Woods sucked on his teeth, making a soft tutting noise. “Can’t say it looked too pleasant. There was a shitload of blood involved, but it was entertaining. I wonder if your pussy could—”
“Jasper, stop!” Dad roared.
General Woods whirled like a viper and punched Dad in the face, sending him crashing back into the desk.
I gasped and tried to move forward to help my father, but one of Jasper’s goons pressed a heavy hand on my shoulder, keeping me still.
The general didn’t let up, raining punches down on my father’s head until Dad slumped to the ground, blinking groggily. Crimson was smeared across the general’s knuckles, and it dripped onto the floor.
“You,” he seethed, glaring at Dad, “don’t ever tell me what to do. Don’t forget who owns your ass, Malcolm.” A smirk twitched across his lips. “And now I own your daughter’s ass, too. Behave, or I’ll sell it to every sick fuck I can think of.”
My stomach pitched, nausea rolling through my gut.
Dad gave a weak nod and bowed his head in surrender.
I wasn’t sure what to think. Seeing my dad literally brought to his knees was awful, but knowing I was being used as a pawn—again—was pretty twisted, too.
The general brushed the wrinkles from his shirt and straightened. “Now, Malcolm, you and your daughter are going to stay in here. I have shit to deal with.” He looked at one of the guards. “Watch the door. If either of them tries to leave, break their legs.”
The goon responded with an excited smile. “Will do, boss.”
Nodding, Woods jerked his head at the other guy, and they both stalked out of the room. After a beat, the one they’d left as our babysitter edged out and closed the door behind him.
I stumbled forward, dropping to my knees beside my dad. “Are you okay?”
A sob wrenched from his chest as he buried his head in his hands. “I messed up, Becca.”