Page 151 of Into the Woods
“We don’t want your world,” Rook informed him, a hand on his gun.
Ryan knelt by my side. “You okay, Bex?”
I nodded, still pressed to Court’s leg. “Where the hell did you come from?”
Ryan gave me a lopsided grin. “I handed Alex off to the cops and heard the shots when I was heading over to meet you and Court.”
I looked over at where Trick had handcuffed Eric. “Is it over?”
“Yeah, princess,” Court told me, passing the gun to Ryan as Rook handcuffed their father while Royal kept a gun trained on him.
I looked around. “Where’s Bishop?”
Court bent and picked me up once more, holding me against him. A tremor ran through his body as he kissed the side of my head.
“With Cami,” Rook told me, yanking Jasper to his feet. “We found her in the tunnels, but when we figured out the general and Eric weren’t with them, we started searching for them. Wanda must’ve heard you guys, because she took off running this way.”
As if summoned, Wanda trotted over to us and nudged my thigh with her wet nose. I reached down and ruffled her fur.
“Everything secure?” Court asked.
“Yup,” Royal answered. “We’ll get these two to Striker and meet you guys back at the hotel, okay?”
“Bex, please,” Eric was begging. “Tell them who I am. I love you—”
With a growl, Court handed me to Ryan like I was a bag of groceries. Ryan and I watched Court stalk the five feet over to where Eric was and deck him. One punch, and Eric was on the ground.
“Dammit,” Trick sighed. “Now I’ve gotta carry the bastard.”
“Drag him back,” Court snapped. “Let his head hit every fucking rock in the damn parking lot.” He took me back from Ryan and cuddled me to his chest. My head found that perfect spot between his shoulder and pec to rest on.
I needed a freaking shower and a bed. “Is Cami okay? The others?”
“There’s a team of social workers and therapists already gathering to help everyone we found,” Royal assured me. “Some of them have a few injuries…” He trailed off, his gaze locking with Court.
“What?” Anxiety sliced through my exhaustion. “What happened?”
Royal gave me an unreadable look. “When we found Cami, she wasn’t with the others. They’d left her behind.”
“Why?” My mouth went dry.
“In the chaos of evacuating, she must’ve fallen. Looked like she broke her ankle. Bishop was taking her to the medical team—”
“I need to see her,” I told Court.
Court grimaced and looked at his brother. “Is she still here?”
“No way of knowing,” Royal replied. “Might be best if you head to the hospital later. That’s where they’ll take her.”
“He’s right, princess,” Court said softly, meeting my gaze. “We need to get out of here before it becomes a three-ring circus.”
“Pretty sure we’re way past that point,” Trick commented, hefting Eric over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry. “But you should go unless you want to be dragged into an international incident.”
My brows shot up.
“Pretty sure a few of the men we collared are foreign ambassadors. This is shaping up to be a political nightmare,” Rook added.