Page 54 of Into the Woods
“Meaning?” I whispered, and snagged my bottom lip between my teeth.
His gaze snapped to my mouth, and his grip on me tightened as he tugged me closer. Close enough that I felt the hard length of his cock against my belly. I sucked in a gasp, every muscle freezing as my mind went into a freefall.
“Meaning I’m done running from this. Us,” he clarified. “I’ve spent the last few weeks miserable as hell because I thought I was doing the right thing by pushing you away. Fuck, make that the last few years. All I ever wanted was for you to be safe, Becca. And tonight, I think I finally figured it out.”
“Figured what out?”
My entire universe hinged on his next words. Something shifted in my soul. A feeling that whatever came next would alter me forever.
Court lowered his forehead to mine, inhaling the air I exhaled like he was devouring me. “That the safest place I can keep you is with me.”
Sometimes, I really needed to fucking think before I acted.
I absolutely knew that Becca would be safe with me, but I hadn’t thought it out beyond shooting down the few very valid points she’d made. And now that she was in my car and I was taking her back to the hotel, I was starting to have doubts.
“You’re quiet,” she remarked from the other side of the car.
“I’m thinking.” Not a lie.
Her big hazel eyes were wide. “About?”
“My next step,” I replied.
It was quiet, but I heard her huff. If that wasn’t enough, she turned her body away from me.
“What?” I finally demanded when the silence felt like a guillotine hanging over my head.
“Nothing,” she snapped, her voice frigid. “Just let me know when you figure out what you’re going to do.”
I frowned, turning down the road that led to the hotel where we were staying. “You’re pissed.” That was nothing new, but this time, I wasn’t entirely sure why.
“Gee, ya think?” She rolled her eyes so hard I was pretty sure I heard it.
Sighing, I drummed my fingers on the steering wheel. “What did I do now?”
She twisted to face me. “You’re aware that I’m here, right?”
Why did this feel like a trick question? I flicked my gaze at her, unsure. “Yes?”
“Does it ever even cross your mind to talk to me?” She stared at me for a beat, disbelief and hurt in her eyes.
“I’m serious, Court,” she interrupted, holding up a hand. “You routinely make unilateral decisions for me because you think you know what’s best, but did you ever think to just stop and ask me what I want?”
Okay, well when she put it like that, it sounded bad. What sucked was I knew she was right. I did tend to make decisions that directly affected her, but only because I knew she’d make the wrong choice.
Oh, fuck. That sounded bad even in my head, so I knew it would be even worse if I said it aloud.
But how did I explain to her that watching her walk around was like watching my heart beat outside my body? That nothing else mattered if she wasn’t happy and safe?
Then again, she didn’t look happy now. And while being with me was safe, she wasn’t out of danger yet.
“Okay,” I said, my voice soft. “The plan right now is to get you to the hotel I’ve been staying at with Rook and Bishop. Once we’re there, you can tell us everything you know about the auction, and we’ll all talk about our next steps. Does that work for you?”