Page 59 of Into the Woods
“Court, tell them this is ridiculous,” she insisted, her eyes searching mine. “You’re not… we’re not… This is stupid. It’ll never work.”
I lifted my hand and cradled her cheek, grinning softly as her breathing hitched.
“Oh, I don’t know, Becca.” I swept my thumb across her soft skin, feeling her tremble slightly. “I bet we could sell it.”
Her lashes fluttered for a second as her eyes closed. “Court…”
I turned us so my back was to my brothers and they couldn’t see her. Couldn’t see us. “We really need to talk, Becca.”
Her eyes opened, and the uncertainty in them was like a dagger to the gut. “We do. But…”
“But not now,” I finished for her.
She nodded mutely and stepped back, breaking my hold and peering around my arm to see Rook. “Can we finish planning how to save the world in the morning? I’ve had a really long day.”
None of us pointed out that it was after two in the morning.
“Yeah,” Rook said, pushing to his feet. “Get some sleep, Bex.”
Her gaze lifted to me once again, her lips parting like she was about to say something, but then she stopped. That perfect mouth closed, and she retreated into the bedroom, grabbing the door and slowly closing it.
I moved back so she wouldn’t hit me with it before turning to face my brothers.
Bishop was grinning like an idiot. “Feel free to thank me, little brother.”
“Fuck off,” I snapped, glaring at him. “You put her on the spot, and—”
“—and got your ass in the game?” He snorted and shook his head. “Jesus, Court, I’m helping you out.”
“I don’t need your help,” I muttered, rubbing the back of my neck with a groan.
Rook looked back and forth between us before sighing. “This isn’t a blind date, Bishop. Leave him alone.”
Bishop’s face fell.
Rook glared at me. “And you, get your shit together. She’s a sweet girl, Court.”
“Meaning?” My muscles tightened, coiling as I readied myself to knock his ass out. I was barely hanging on to my sanity.
“Meaning figure out what you are to each other, and either let her go, or…”
“Or?” I challenged.
He met my gaze. “Or man the fuck up and lock her down.”
Snuggling deeper into the soft sheets, I inhaled the rich, comforting scent that surrounded me. For a moment, time was suspended and I was content. Safe. Happy.
And then my scent memory kicked into gear, and I shot up in bed, damn near falling off the edge as my heart threatened to gallop out of my chest. I looked around the room wildly, probably looking like a caged animal. But not a sexy animal like a tiger or a jaguar. I no doubt looked more like a deranged cockatoo with my hair sticking up all over the place.
I wasn’t a delicate, light sleeper like the princess of some fairy tale. I was known to thrash and starfish in the middle of the bed. And I sometimes woke up the next morning wearing less clothes than I’d gone to bed in, with no memory of how I’d taken them off.
Glancing down, I sucked in a sharp breath because, yeah. I was totally naked.
My clothes were strewn around the room—my tank top tossed over the chair by the window, my flannel bottoms at the foot of the bed. And my panties were…