Page 28 of Devil's Craving
“You can’t do this on your own, either. How’d you manage it last time?”
My expression shuttered, and I turned my face away. I knew he wouldn’t let me just not answer him, but it took work to force the words past my throat. “Mass.”
Growling, I lifted my glare to him. “Mass. He was like my sponsor. Kept me on track, checked in with me. That kind of thing. He had my back.”
A familiar pain flashed across his face. We all felt it any time Mass’s name was mentioned. He was a good brother, a good man. He shouldn’t have gone out the way he did. Even though he did it for a good reason, to keep the girls safe, I was still pissed at him for doing it. Riley told me once that she begged him to go with her. He refused because he was a cocky shit.
“So pick someone.”
My brow furrowed, and I shook my head. “What?”
He rolled his eyes. “If it was any other time, it’d be me watching out for you. Since I’ve got shit to handle, pick someone. I get it, you don't want the whole crew watching, but you’re not going to keep getting high until this is over before trying again. You’re getting clean now. So pick someone to take Mass’s place.”
It wasn’t the worst plan. I didn't want it to be him anyway, since he’d most likely kick my ass if I had another slip. I didn’t need a concussion every time I had a bad day. Bringing other people in on my shit wasn’t a pleasant idea, but it was a good compromise.
“Fine. Brewer.”
He nodded once. “I’ll talk to him. Meanwhile, you’re gonna call that sponsor guy. Brewer can watch your back, make sure you don’t wander off, but he’s never touched the product, he won’t know what to look for. Either that or go bug the electrician. She seems like she can call your bluff, since you seem so eager to lie to your own brotherhood.”
I grimaced. I wasn’t going to talk to Sam about it. I was already a dick to her in my desperation to get the two of them to leave me the fuck alone. Besides, it pissed me off just how easily she read me. I didn’t need that kind of energy around. She’d be a tremendous pain in my ass about it without a doubt, and I still had work to do.
“I’ll call him.”
He gave me a pointed look, not moving until I dialed the damn phone. No amount of glaring at him made any difference, and my throat still hurt from him choking me, so I wasn’t looking to fight with him right now. I pulled out my phone, dialing the number that Tyson guy left me.
I grimaced. What the fuck do you even say to this guy?
I didn’t reply until Reaper kicked my leg, making me yelp. “God damnit, Reaper!”
Tyson paused before speaking again. “Is this Clink? From the MC?”
Still scowling at Reaper, I huffed out a breath. “Yeah. I, uh… You said to call if there was a problem, or whatever, and–”
“Is Sam okay?”
The obvious concern in his voice made me pause. He was way older than her, but that didn’t stop a lot of women when it came to picking their men. It almost felt like those two were a thing. I wasn’t going to admit out loud how much that thought pissed me off.
“Yeah, she’s fine. Tore through my room like a hellion and found my stash, which was fucking great.”
He hummed his acknowledgement. “She told me that part. I’m assuming you’re not happy about that.”
“Would you be?” I snapped.
He drew in a breath, letting it out slowly. “Honestly? Yes. Since my goal is to stay sober, I’d take all the help I could get. Removing the temptation is part of the process. But like I said before, if you’re not ready–”
“I’m fucking ready. I just…” I sighed. This was going to be hard without bringing him into club business. “There’s shit I need to take care of, and it felt easier to keep using until things were less chaotic.”
His voice was calm and lacked any judgment as he responded. “I get that. It’ll feel like that a lot. Life would just be easier if you just kept using. But I think you know that’s a lie. Your brain is going to use any excuse to get what it wants. There’s never a ‘good’ time to get sober. It’s always going to be inconvenient and hard. Really hard. Do you have a support system to help you?”
Reaper walked away at one point, probably to go talk to Brewer. I’d be triumphant if Sam didn’t completely decimate every stash I had. It was like she could read my fucking mind and found every spot I hid the product. For someone who’d never used before, she knew a lot of fucking shit about where I hid it.
“I’m working on it. I don’t want my whole crew to know and watch me, waiting for me to screw up. Reaper is bringing someone in to babysit me because he doesn’t trust me.”