Page 30 of Devil's Craving
His voice went terse, but he didn’t talk any more shit. “Call me if you need anything or if you get another urge for a hit. If talking on the phone doesn’t help, I can always come by or we can meet somewhere to talk.”
“Will do.”
I hung up, but didn’t immediately move from my spot on the floor. Shit had gone sideways in the last few weeks and I was dead tired. I still wanted a hit, but knowing Reaper, the drugs were probably gone by now. Asshole.
After making a rough estimate of what it’d take to rewire the whole warehouse, I called Russel and talked him through what I found. He agreed with my assessment, and I went to sit in my truck while I drew up the contract to give to Croy. I was supposed to be working with Clink, but I kind of doubted he wanted to talk to me anymore. Tyson said I did the right thing, but I still felt guilty about it.
I was so focused on what I was doing, I didn’t notice someone coming up beside me until he spoke.
“You know, there’s AC inside the house.”
I jumped, nearly tossing my laptop out of the truck. Clink leaned against the truck door, raising an eyebrow at me. I scowled at him, readjusting my laptop and turning away from him.
“There’s also an entire MC in there. I’m good here.”
It was hot today, but I left the door to my truck open so I could get some air. It didn't help that much, but I still felt better than being inside.
Clink snorted. “Whatever you say, honey. Pretty sure you’re about to short your computer with your sweat, though.”
I rolled my eyes. I wasn’t sweating that bad. “I figured you’d send someone else to work with me.” There was an edge to my tone, and it took work for me not to grimace. I could still see the betrayed look on his face and it shook me to my core.
“And give up the view? Yeah, I’m good.”
His blatant flirting made me scoff, but when I looked up at him, he was frowning.
“I called Tyson.” My spine stiffened, but Clink didn’t seem to notice, staring off down the street. “He said you stepping in was a big deal for you. I’d say thanks, but it seriously pissed me off, so I’ll stick with good for you.”
I waffled between being embarrassed that Tyson was sharing stuff about me and relieved that Clink didn’t hate me after I called his bluff.
“I was just trying to help.”
He rolled his head against the door to look at me. “I’ll forgive you if you flash me your tits.”
He said it so seriously, but when I threw my pen at him, he started laughing, the tension wiped away and his easy going aura came back. He put his hands up in surrender, ducking when I threw an empty paper coffee cup at him. It was when I threatened to throw my phone that he grabbed my hand, his eyes dancing mischievously.
“Based on that screen, honey, another hit would total your device. Seriously, what the hell did you do to that thing?”
With a scowl, I tossed my phone onto the seat next to me. “I threw it at a wall. I used to have a better case for it, but it broke when I dropped it on a construction site a few weeks back, and I forgot to get a new one.”
He rested one arm against the truck, leaning over me as he studied my face. I kind of hated just how good looking he was. It made it hard to focus when he was speaking to me, and I almost missed his comment.
“You still haven’t told me what happened the other night.”
I shot him a dirty look. “If you’d been paying attention during the meeting, you’d know the answer to that. I’m trying to work, Clink.”
I expected him to laugh or say something snarky, but his eyes narrowed and he reached for me, running his fingers along my jaw. “Believe me, honey, I was paying attention. Maybe I’m just waiting for you to tell me the whole bit. That way I can help.”
Rolling my eyes, I batted his hand away and gave my focus back to my laptop. “I don’t need your help. I called Tyson.”
He went quiet for a moment before nodding. “Yeah, I guess calling your boyfriend was a smart move. Even though he didn't take action like I would’ve.”
Scrunching up my face, I shot him a confused look. “Tyson’s not my boyfriend. He’s my friend. And he’s like forty-five.”
Something flashed over Clink’s face before he shrugged. “Could’ve fooled me. He basically threatened my entire crew if I went looking for revenge.”