Page 33 of Devil's Craving
That made no fucking sense. I glanced at Sam, jumping in to stop her from hitting him again as she shouted at him.
“You’re a fucking liar!”
She struggled against me, and I nearly lost my hold on her, but it was the tears in her eyes that made me pause. I pulled her away, wrapping my arms around her to keep her from hitting me, too.
“Sam! Sweetheart, what the fuck is happening right now?”
“That asshole grabbed me and he’s acting like I’m the crazy one!”
I stiffened, shifting enough to look down at her without giving her the opportunity to slip free.
“What do you mean by that?”
She was still glaring at the prospect over my shoulder, her entire body tense. “I was looking for you. I was going to make sure you were okay before I left. He found me by your room and started accusing me of sneaking around and when I tried to explain, he cut me off and grabbed my arm. He was dragging me to Croy’s office, and I would’ve gone with and explained myself to someone rational, but he was hurting me and he wouldn’t let go, so I punched him.” She lifted her chin, like she was daring me not to believe her, and I could see the fear underneath. She’d been accused of shit before, and this was triggering her.
Deep-seated rage rushed through my system and I released her, going straight for the prospect. He was newer, been here less than a year, and eager as all hell, but that was no fucking excuse for hurting a woman.
He was standing by Brewer and Reaper, probably giving his bullshit side of the story, but I was on him before he even saw me coming, knocking his ass to the ground and pummeling his fucking face. The guys had to haul me off him, and Reaper shoved me back, giving me an incredulous look.
“Clink, what the hell?”
“Fucking piece of shit hurt her! And for what, asshole? She was looking for me!”
There wasn’t really a point in yelling at him. He was half out of it and bleeding on the floor. I was still pissed, though, and only Croy barreling out of his office stopped me from going after the shit again.
“What the fuck is going on out here?”
Jerking away from Reaper, I went back to Sam. She looked stunned, staring at me like she’d never met me before. She said something earlier about how I wasn’t as scary as Reaper or Croy. I’d laughed it off, because that’s the image I went for. I was the nice one. It didn’t mean I didn't have my rough spots. I just didn't project it like the rest of them.
“Show me where he grabbed you.”
She frowned, her hand covering her arm automatically before she dropped it and shook her head. “I’m fine, Clink. I–”
Grabbing her hand, I forced her sleeve up. There was a definite red mark on her upper arm that would probably bruise. Another wave of fury passed through me, but before I could walk away to shoot the little shit, Sam reached out and grabbed my cut to stop me.
“Don’t! Seriously, you’ve done enough!”
I shot her a look. “I haven’t even gotten started yet, sweetheart. That asshole deserves to die for hurting you.”
She scowled, the fear on her face disappearing. “I handled it just fine on my own. I don’t need you to rescue me. He hurt me, I hurt him back. End of story.”
“That’s not how it works here,” Croy growled. He was standing behind me, with Riley at his side, her arms crossed and a pissed off look on her face. I stiffened, thinking maybe they were going to take this shit out on Sam, but her gaze dropped to Sam’s arm and she shot a look at Croy. He saw it too and shook his head.
“Fuck. Baby, take the electrician upstairs and take a look at that. We’ll handle the prospect.”
It took some convincing to get Sam to walk away. She wasn’t oblivious, and she got the picture of what we meant when we said handle. We weren’t going to kill the prospect, but he was going to get his ass handed to him for hurting a woman. I brushed a kiss over the mark, distracting her long enough to nudge her towards Riley, who took her hand and pulled her along behind her. While we waited for Riley and the other old ladies to bring Sam upstairs, Croy spoke low to me.
“The fuck made him react like that?”
I shook my head slowly, still beyond pissed. “She was looking upstairs for me and he accused her of sneaking around. She said she would’ve gone with him to explain herself, but the little shit wouldn’t let go, so she hit him.”
Brewer scowled, crossing his arms as he watched her go. “This is fucking bullshit. We’re all on edge since Wrecker’s betrayal, to the point where we’re accusing random ass women if they’re involved. Hammer needs to be dealt with. This is putting a strain on the whole MC.”
Croy flicked his gaze to Reaper. “Time to go. Me and you are going to the city. Nevada’s on his way back. He’ll watch the MC.” When he turned his gaze to me and Brewer, he snarled. “Watch the women. With that asshole on the loose, they’re the fucking target. Put guys on ‘em and keep them here. That includes the electrician. If he finds out she’s working for us, he’s gonna go after her. Put a prospect on her to watch her place at night.”
Like hell. It was going to take convincing just to keep her on the job. I wasn’t letting any other prospects near her. I wasn’t going to argue with Croy about it, though. He didn’t give a shit who watched her, as long as she was being watched.
He and Reaper walked away, leaving me and Brewer to deal with the prospect. He was sitting up now, surrounded by a few of the other guys, to make sure he didn’t run off. I shoved them out of the way, grabbing his collar and forcing him to his feet.