Page 40 of Devil's Craving
Chrissie was really getting on my nerves. Any time I got close to Sam, she appeared out of nowhere and kept trying to stake a claim. Which wasn’t going to fucking happen. No one was claiming a sweetbutt, no matter how good a lay they were. No one was looking to claim something that everyone had already had a piece of. Most of the sweetbutts knew that and were just here looking for a good time, but a few of them got it in their heads that they’d be able to win over some biker and get the claim they were panting after.
Sam jerked back when Chrissie spoke, the unease coming back to her face. I fought back a growl, shooting a dirty look at Chrissie.
She crossed her arms, giving me a petulant look. “I thought we were going upstairs. You know I’m a good time.”
“Seriously, how pathetic do you have to be? They were obviously having a moment, and you’re just embarrassing yourself by interrupting them,” Allie commented. The girls were in the kitchen last I saw, but they seemed to have a beacon for Chrissie’s bullshit and always showed up to put her in her place. Normally, it was funny, but Sam looked like she wanted to disappear. Her shoulders were by her ears and she was frowning at the bottle in her hand like it’d turn to poison the minute she looked away. I didn’t like that look on her. Her fire was the thing that drew me to her, but right now she was making herself small for some bitch who didn’t matter.
Stealing the bottle from her and setting it on the table, I took her hand and tugged her to her feet, guiding her away from the drama that was sure to unfold. I didn’t want them spooking her and sending her running. “Come on, honey. Let’s go for a walk.”
She came without question, but it didn’t feel like a win when she was acting like that. I pulled her out the front door and away from the crowd that was smoking nearby. A few whistled at us as I pulled Sam around the side of the building, I was known for fooling around outside, but I just flipped them off and tugged Sam until we were out of sight.
There wasn’t enough light on this side of the building to see much of anything, but it was even harder to see her face when she was staring at the ground like that. I lifted her chin, raising my eyebrows at her.
“What is it?”
She shook her head quickly, glancing towards the front of the building. She parked her truck out front, and I knew if I gave her the opportunity, she’d run. I wasn’t ready for her to go yet, though, so instead, I dipped my head, pressing my lips firmly against hers.
Her whole body froze for a second, but I didn’t pull away, and she melted little by little, her hands coming up to clutch at my cut. I drew her closer, one hand cupping the back of her neck, the other settling on her hip. I wanted more, wanted to go full steam ahead like I always did, but Sammy was still a flight risk and I knew if I pushed too hard, too fast, I’d scare her away. I had to come at this different, keeping things teasing and light until I could feel her smile against my lips. I nipped playfully at her bottom lip and she giggled, the noise easing some tension inside of me that I hadn’t known was there.
“You got a great laugh, honey.”
She made a noise of disagreement, finally pulling away from me. “I do not.”
I skipped her lips, nipping at her neck instead, and she laughed, wriggling to get away from me. “Clink! Stop! That tickles!”
When I shifted back to look her in the eye, a huge grin spread across my face. “You shouldn’t have said that.”
Her eyes went comically wide before she tried to dart away. I grabbed her before she could, tickling her ribs and making her squeal. Normally at this point, I’d only be interested in one thing, but Sam was fun and I cared a little less that I wasn’t getting lucky right now. At least until she decided to distract me by smashing her lips against mine. It stayed easy, though, and I was in no rush to push for more. We made out like teenagers until she pulled away, panting heavily and shaking her head.
“I-I can’t.”
My brow furrowed. “Why not?”
I couldn’t see it when it was this dark, but the way she ducked her head like that let me know she was blushing hard. I cupped her cheeks, forcing her to look at me, and raised my eyebrows. She scrunched her nose, which was just cute, shrugging as she averted her eyes.
“It’s one of my rules. No dating. I don’t… I don't want any drama.”
She was lying. She didn’t want to get attached. She was keeping walls up, and who could blame her for that. “Who said anything about dating?”
I thought it’d help, but apparently, it was the wrong thing to say, and she stiffened, pulling away from me. “I’m not the type of girl to sleep around, Clink. If you’re looking for that, I’m pretty sure the woman inside will help you.”
She turned to leave, but I grabbed her wrist, pulling her back to me. I never usually had to work this hard for a woman, but Sam felt different. Even when she pissed me off, I still wanted her to be the one I talked to about it. It’s why I didn’t bother calling the Tyson guy. Sam was better. She made me feel better.
“Wait. Stop. That came out wrong. I’m sorry.” I wrapped my arms around her to keep her from running again. “Look, I know you’ve got your rules. Hell, I could probably use some of those, too. But I like you. I wanna keep hanging out with you. I’ve never been the relationship type, but…” I shrugged. “I’ll give it a shot if it means I get to spend more time with you.”
Her quiet gasp was her only response. It was hard to get a read on her, the shadows hiding her expressions, but her hands on my chest fisted my shirt, a subtle sign that she wasn’t ready to walk away just yet.
“I… I don’t know, Clink…”
Leaning closer, I rested my forehead against hers. “I’m not gonna cause drama or shit like that. Give me a shot, Sammy.”