Page 43 of Devil's Craving
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Clink was a lot bigger than I expected. Even taking it slow, it felt like too much, and my body clenched around him in protest. He groaned loudly beneath me. I could see the struggle in his face, he was doing his best to give me time to adjust, but it wasn’t easy on him. I felt guilty for taking too long, which only made me more tense.
Like he could tell I was losing focus, he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me against his chest. In one smooth move, he flipped us so that he was on top, but he didn’t automatically start pounding into me like I expected. His hands started moving, dragging over my skin, cupping my breasts, and one slipped between us to rub circles on my clit.
My hips jerked automatically at the touch and I moaned, my body relaxing around him. He groaned, his face tight, and shook his head. His hips snapped against mine like he couldn’t help himself and heat spread through my system like a wildfire. I moaned, which only seemed to encourage him. He moved his hand away, instead grabbing my hips as he thrust into me. I’d never been able to get off this way, that’s why I tried to be on top, but Clink was hitting all the right angles. He seemed focused on the spots that made me cry out, and I was quickly racing towards what was sure to be an explosive release.
My skin felt like it was on fire and I broke out in a sheen of sweat. Clink was flushed too, his face taking on that feral look I recognized from the other day when he was fighting that prospect. Now all that heated attention was on me and my body coiled with expectation as he ground his hips against mine.
It was almost too good, tingles spreading through my body with every thrust. Every time I moaned, Clink’s fingers on my hips tightened roughly, bringing on an edge of pain. It felt like he got just as much pleasure from the noises I made as the thrusts that buried himself deep inside me. Any embarrassment over my noises fled, and I let myself just be in the moment with him.
When he lifted my hips, hitting a new angle I wasn’t expecting, I shattered without warning. A scream ripped from my lips, every erogenous zone lighting up like the fourth of July. Ecstasy passed over Clink’s face before his eyes rolled back and he let out a shout, his hips stilling with him deep inside me.
He collapsed on top of me, both of us breathing like we’d run a marathon, and covered in sweat. I kept waiting for the panic to settle in, I let down a lot of boundaries with Clink, but he didn’t make me feel panicked. I felt safe with him, and that was a huge thing for me. The fact that I felt safe with a dangerous biker was a little hilarious, though.
When I giggled to myself, Clink’s breath danced along the skin of my breast. “What’s so funny?”
I shook my head, running my fingers through my hair. “Nothing. Just thinking.”
He shifted enough to look up at me, but didn’t pull away from using my boobs as a pillow. He lifted an eyebrow, but I didn’t want to get into my weird anxiety issues right now. I raised my eyebrow back, giving him a look.
His wicked grin came back, and he moved to bury his face between my breasts. “I’m in fuckin’ heaven,” was his muffled reply.
He made me laugh and didn’t seem at all interested in leaving. Which was good, because I was comfy too and I didn’t realize until now that since I drove him here, I’d have to get up eventually to drive him back. The thought of driving this late at night was nerve-wracking. I almost asked Clink to drive on the way here, but I didn't want to take his bike. That was just terrifying.
I didn't seem to have to worry about it anyway. He only got up long enough to dispose of the condom before returning to his spot on my boobs. I shook my head slowly, rolling my eyes at the ceiling.
“Is Clink your real name?”
It was late, but not that late. I wasn’t ready to sleep.
He huffed out a laugh. “No. It’s my road name.”
“What’s that?”
I kept waiting for him to sit up and look at me, but he just nuzzled against me, letting out a yawn. “It’s the name they give you when you finish prospecting. Croy gave me mine, believe it or not. I was a prospect when he took over and he had me promoted after I took a hit for the crew and spent some time in the slammer.”
That surprised me, and I dropped my chin to look at him. “You went to prison?”
He lifted a shoulder casually. “For a little while, yeah. Someone had to take the fall, and I was a nobody. First-time offenders get a lesser sentence and all that. I took the hit, got locked up, and my cut was waiting for me when I got out.”
“That’s why they call you Clink?”
“Yeah. You know, spent some time in the clink? That kind of thing,” he chuckled.
The way he said it was so easy and relaxed, like it never affected him, but I got the feeling that wasn’t the whole truth. It didn’t feel like the best time to pry about his drug use, but it wouldn’t surprise me if the first time he got clean was while he was locked up. It was probably hard to get drugs in there. Not that I’d know. Most of what I knew about prison was from tv.
“Am I allowed to know your real name, or is it a secret?”
He finally lifted his head, his smile softer without any of the mischievousness I was used to. “I’ll tell you, honey, but you gotta promise to keep it to yourself.”
I mimicked pulling a zipper across my lips and locking it up. I was good at keeping secrets.
“Eric. Eric Schaeffer.”