Page 59 of Devil's Craving
After Sam helped me clean up the mess I made, I went to the city with Brewer and Reaper to pick up Sam’s stuff. Brewer drove Sam’s truck, since I didn’t want to drive back and forth after we were through. After packing up her stuff and stopping at Tyson’s place for some shit for him, Brewer went back while Reaper stayed behind. He was glaring at the world around him, his posture tight. Out of everyone, he seemed the most unhappy about this plan, and even argued against it to Croy.
“I’m not gonna betray the crew, Reap.”
His eyes snapped to mine, and he regarded me for a second before shaking his head. “Didn’t think you would. I just don’t like this. You’re supposed to be getting sober. I’ve got no doubt that Hammer will make you prove yourself to him.”
He wasn’t the only one who thought that, but I lifted a shoulder. “I’ll do what I have to. We need to end this asshole, and we don’t want to play his game again. Not after what happened last time. I’ll go in, get him to trust me, and find his little hole so we can finally deal with him.”
He still didn’t look happy about it, but I wasn’t really expecting him to be down for it. Reaper was like me. Our brotherhood came first, no matter what, and if our roles were switched, I would’ve been pissed too. I squeezed his shoulder, leveling him with a look.
“I’ve got this. Trust me.”
He shot me a dirty look. “Last time you said that, you were trying to get rid of me to go get high.”
I winced. “Shut up. I’m not doing this so I can get high. I’m trying to make up for the shit I did. So let me do this and prove myself.”
Convincing Reaper everything was going to be fine was impossible, but eventually he let it go and headed back to the MC. Meanwhile, the sun was going down and the club would open soon. I grabbed some fast food to kill time and headed to the club a little after it opened.
Hammer wasn’t there when I arrived, which wasn’t a surprise. It was still early. I ordered a beer and commandeered a table closer to the back to wait, playing on my phone until he decided to show up. Texting Sam kept me sane, and I smiled at the picture she sent me of her and Tyson playing cards with the old ladies. I was about to get up and get a fresh drink when Hammer joined me, a smug look on his face.
“Surprised to see you here.”
I raised an eyebrow at him. “You invited me.”
A slow smirk crossed his face. “True. Kinda pegged you as a little bitch, though. You’ve always been on your knees for Croy.”
Making an irritated sound, I sat back with my arms crossed. “You invite me here to insult me or what?”
He chuckled, relaxing into his seat. A cocktail waitress appeared with two whiskeys, and Hammer slapped her ass as she walked away. She didn’t look happy about it, but she kept her mouth shut, storming back to the bar. When Hammer handed me a glass, I lifted it in thanks before tossing it back. He was trying to butter me up because it was nice whiskey, but each friendly gesture just made my hackles go up more. I kept waiting for him to lay it all out there, but he seemed content to drag it out.
“So, how’s the sobriety going? You like my little gift?” he drawled, a shit-eating grin on his face.
My lip twitched against a scowl, but I played it off by making an irritated sound. “Not really. Croy’s being a huge dick about it and now wants me to find a new sponsor. You keep attackin’ ‘em and you’re just causing more trouble for me.”
He snorted, taking a drink and regarding me before shrugging. “I was doin’ you a favor. Asshole was doin’ that kumbaya shit, trying to convince me to give up the trade. Squealed like a woman when I stuck him, too.”
I forced out a laugh, even as my leg started to bounce. I thought this would be easier. I was playing a game and doing a damn good job of it, since Hammer seemed none the wiser. But listening to him boast about hurting Sam’s friend pissed me off, and I wanted to shoot him in the face right then and be done with it.
Hammer’s gaze dropped to my leg, and I stretched out to hide my fidgeting. He raised an eyebrow, and I held my breath, thinking I’d given myself away already, but instead of losing it, he smirked.
“Looks like you could use a hit.”
I knew it was coming. I was expecting it, but it still smacked me in the gut. When I was with Sam, I could distract myself for the most part. Being offered a hit, knowing that I wasn’t going to get kicked out of my crew if I said yes, was impossible to resist. Hammer tossed me a baggie and, after testing it, I laid out a line and took a hit. All my anxiety disappeared and an easy grin passed over my face as it settled into my system.
“Fuck. That’s good.”
Hammer chuckled. “No shit. It's ours. Got my hands on some in California.”
“So I heard. What do you need from me?”
The drugs took away my filter, left me feeling confident and giddy, and fucking horny. I wanted to get this meeting done so I could go find Sam before it wore off. One night with her wasn’t enough, and several times already today she’d teased me. I’d gotten a taste of her mouth, and now I wanted to feel those lips wrapped around my cock.
Hammer snapped his fingers in front of my face, drawing my attention. I couldn’t help the stupid grin I flashed at him, my energy off the charts.
He laughed, shaking his head. “Been a while since you got the good stuff, hasn’t it?”
I nodded, my eyes darting around the room. Maybe I should text Sam and invite her out. She seemed into it when we were fooling around outside. I could convince her to join me in the bathroom.