Page 69 of Devil's Craving
Chrissie looked pissed, her long manicured fingers gripping Clink’s bicep harshly. “Clink, this isn’t funny anymore. She’s a nobody and she’ll be gone soon. I don’t like playing games. Can’t we just–”
“She’s my ol’ lady, Chrissie. Not you. Fuck off. You’re ruinin’ a good time.”
Her mouth fell open, and she ripped her hand away from him, a furious snarl on her face. “You can’t be serious! She’s an electrician! I’m so much hotter than her!”
I rolled my eyes. “And so much more pathetic. At least I’m not so pitiful that I’d cling to a guy who was obviously in the middle of something with someone else. Can’t take a hint?”
She bared her teeth at me, clenching her fists. “Shut the fuck up! You don’t know shit about their life. You’ll drop him the minute you realize, and I won’t be waiting for him when you do.” She flashed a dirty look at Clink. “You go with her, we’re through. You can find some other skank to suck your tiny ass dick.”
I snorted. “Did she just refer to herself as a skank?”
Clink, who had been glaring at Chrissie, turned to me with a smirk. “Sounded like it. Come on, honey. Let’s take a walk.”
He said that, but he didn’t set me down, so I just wrapped my arms tighter around his neck, nibbling on his bottom lip as he went out the front door. I didn’t know where he was bringing me, and I honestly didn’t care. I enjoyed Chrissie’s furious shriek until the door shut and we went outside.
Clink walked us around the side of the building to where we spoke on the first night. He pressed my back up against the wall, dragging his mouth along my neck, nipping every so often and making me shiver.
“You have no idea how bad I wanted to take you right there in front of everyone. To show them you’re mine.”
Biting my lip to muffle a moan, I tipped my head to give him more room. “So why didn’t you?”
He stiffened, his hips pressing tighter against mine, feeling more like a reaction than an outright choice. “Didn’t think you’d be into that.”
Neither did I, but in the heat of the moment, I might’ve seriously considered it. Clink made me lose my head and our little grinding session left me so hot I couldn’t think straight. My core clenched, and I wriggled as much as my position would allow, seeking more friction.
Clink pressed tighter against me, growling against my neck. “Fuck, Sammy. I want you so fuckin’ bad right now.”
My breaths came out in pants and I clung to his shoulders tightly, too eager to feel embarrassed. It was dark out, and the side of the clubhouse where we were was pretty well hidden. I didn’t have it in me to stop him.
“Clink, please…”
He set me on my feet, moving with urgency as he tossed his wallet at me so that I could get the condom while he struggled to free his erection. In our haste, I dropped his wallet after pulling out the condom, and it swung on the chain at our knees. Clink didn’t pay any attention to it, ripping the condom open with his teeth and rolling it on while he attacked my neck. I melted against him, helping him roll it on, my heartbeat pounding in my ears. This was the craziest thing I’d done, I think ever, and by the time Clink picked me back up and I wrapped my legs around his hips again, I was so wet it was embarrassing.
There was no way Clink didn’t notice, since he didn’t bother pulling off my panties, only tugging them aside to give him access. He didn’t mention it, and I didn't have time to comment before he was pushing inside me, both of us groaning as he slid to the hilt in one swift movement.
“Holy fuck… We need to get you on birth control, honey. You’re so tight and wet, I wanna feel you without the rubber.”
I could only moan in response, clinging to his shoulders as he bucked into me. It was fast and rough, and just as good as I remembered from the first time. He focused on the angles that made me scream, and despite my effort to bite my lip and muffle it, I couldn’t stop the noises from escaping me. The louder I got, the more wild Clink seemed to get. In the limited light of the moon, I saw his jaw drop, a rough groan ripping through him.
“Fuck, yes. Keep goin’, honey. Say my name.”
I moaned, his name little more than a whisper as I edged closer to release. I felt my body tighten around him, pleasure coiling in my belly. So close.
It was when he reached between us and pressed his thumb against my clit, rubbing roughly, that I lost it completely.
“Oh, fuck!”
He seemed surprised at me using his real name, but I couldn’t figure out if it was a good or bad thing before I exploded, coming so hard I saw stars. My core clenched rhythmically, and I squeezed my eyes shut at the ecstasy pulsing through my system. Clink let out a shout, pounding so roughly into me I knew I’d feel it in the morning. I couldn’t summon the will to care, especially when he groaned and slumped against me, his weight keeping me pinned against the wall.
As we both fought to regain our breath, I buried my face against his shoulder. Once the initial lust fog wore off, I realized we were out in the open and anyone could walk around the building and see us. I felt like I should be embarrassed, but a thrill shot through me at the thought and I tightened around him by accident.
He groaned, pressing tighter against me. “Shit. Whatever you’re thinking about right now, please tell me we’re gonna try it later.”
“I’m thinking about what we just did,” I snickered. “So I guess we can do it again later.”