Page 7 of Devil's Craving
It hit me all at once that he was playing me to get my phone number. My mouth fell open. The tactic was slimy, and I called him out for it.
“Clink! You’re a dick!”
That just made him laugh harder, and he yanked his phone away when I tried to snatch it from him, holding it high above my head. He had several inches on me and no matter how hard I tried, I wouldn’t have been able to reach it, so I didn’t bother embarrassing myself. I glared at him before spinning on my heel and storming around the building to where my truck was waiting.
He was hot on my heels and when he caught up to me, he tossed his arm around my shoulders, his eyes dancing. “Oh, come on, don’t be that way. I promise I won’t do anything weird with it.”
Shrugging him off, I dug my keys out of my pocket and unlocked my truck, throwing the door open. I was supposed to be professional, but I spun around anyway, putting my finger in his face.
“I swear to god, if you send me one dick pic, I’m gonna kick you in the nuts.”
His eyebrows shot up, that big stupid grin still spread across his face. He enjoyed this way too much, and it irritated me. I narrowed my eyes, and he chuckled.
“Alright, it’s a deal. No dick pics unless you ask for ‘em.”
I rolled my eyes. That was never gonna happen. For one thing, no matter how cute he was, he was a troublemaker, and I wasn’t inviting that kind of energy into my life. For another, I currently had a strict no dating policy. My life was already a mess. I didn't need to be adding dating drama on top of it.
“I’ll call when I have more information from my supervisor. Goodbye Clink.”
“Nope. No goodbyes. See ya later, sweetheart.” He leaned into the truck and smacked a kiss against my lips before I could blink. He winked at me, shutting my door for me.
I sat there stunned for a few minutes before I could make myself move. As I pulled away from the street, I watched him through the rearview mirror, his hands stuck in his pockets and a mischievous grin on his face. My lips tingled from his kiss and I touched them automatically as I drove away. It’d been a really long time since I’d been kissed and my no dating rule wavered slightly. I shook my head like a dog to banish the thought.
I was under no illusions that Clink would behave if I convinced my supervisor to let me do this job. And only a tiny part of me was curious on what he was going to do next. If I was smart, I’d keep my distance from him.
Shaking my head again, I focused on the drive back. I needed to hurry through my other jobs if I wanted to get back before my supervisor left for the day. His wife had just had a baby, and he was known to sneak off early if he could. I didn’t blame him for it. He always made sure we had what we needed and checked in before he left, but I didn’t want to keep Croy waiting on getting back to him. Clink, I didn’t mind making him wait. He would deal with it. Croy might start shooting people. I didn’t want to be on his list if I could help it.
The other two jobs I had were basic and easy to deal with. A construction site on a new house needed their wiring checked before they could put the walls up and an older couple had issues with a fuse box that I had to look into for them. Their house was old, and they needed a new one, but their budget was pretty low, so I’d have to talk to my supervisor about it. Sometimes we had some in the shop that we could use as a discount that wasn’t brand new, but would work for what they were looking for.
I finished an hour early and still only just managed to catch my supervisor on his way out. I threw my truck into park and hollered at him through the open window to grab his attention.
He was parked a few spots down and was just getting into his truck to head home, but he paused and waited for me to jog up to him, a concerned look on his face.
“Sam? You alright?”
Huffing out a breath, I nodded. “Yeah, I’m good. I hate cardio.”
He snorted and waited for me to catch my breath, leaning on his open door. “How’d it go today?”
“Went fine for the most part. There are a few things I wanted to talk to you about, though.”
He sighed and closed his door. “Damn. I was hoping to get out of here. Marla needs me to pick up more diapers if you can believe it. I swear that little thing goes through them faster than I go through the cookies his mama makes.”
I snickered. “I’ll be quick, I promise. First thing, the Stetsons need a new fuse box, but they can’t afford a replacement. Do we have anything here we could use?”
He pursed his lips, looking thoughtful. “Uh… I think so. Lemme get back to you on that one. Pretty sure the one I’ve been workin’ on will do fine. I just gotta finish fixing it. What else ya got?”
Puffing up my cheeks, I blew out a breath. “Well, I went on the job for the MC club this morning and–”
His eyebrows flew up. “You did what? I gave that job to Angelo! What were you thinking?”
I frowned. “Well, first of all, he never actually told me where I was going. He gave me an address and asked me to cover him since he had something he had to do. Second, it wasn’t that hard a job. I can handle bigger stuff, you know. Just because I’m a woman doesn’t mean–”
He shot me a dry look. “Don’t start. This ain’t about that. It’s about the fact that the job was dangerous and Angelo said he’d handle it. I woulda done it myself before sending you out there. You alright?”
“I’m fine, Russel. I got the job done without any problems. A few catcalls, but everyone kept their distance and let me do my work.”
He didn’t look convinced until I glared at him. A smile tugged at his lips and he relaxed. “Alright, alright. What’s the problem then?”