Page 72 of Devil's Craving
“You don’t need to worry about that. We don’t have shit at the clubhouse. Too obvious and the pigs love to do random sweeps when they manage to get their hands on bullshit warrants. Go downstairs and enjoy yourself. Sam doesn’t like drinking either. I don’t know why, but she’ll watch your back.”
He sighed. “She doesn’t drink because she was drinking the night her parents died, and she’s convinced if she does again, someone else she cares about will get hurt. She’s overcautious, and no matter how many times I remind her she wasn’t at fault, she doesn’t seem to get it.”
“Yeah, well… We’ll work on it when I get back. Go sit with her downstairs. We’re not as bad as you think.”
Tyson chuckled and relented. “Alright, fine. I’ll go check on Sam. Take care of yourself, Clink. She cares about you and I don’t want her losing any more people in her life. Stay clean for her.”
“I’ll give it all I’ve got.” I couldn’t promise that I’d stay clean, because loading the product was the easy part. I still had to meet with Hammer, and I didn’t doubt for a second that he would offer me a hit once I showed up. I just had to be strong enough to turn him down.
* * *
Neo stayed behind at the site. He’d get a ride back from one of the guys. I needed help to load the shit up, but I wasn’t going to bring him face to face with Hammer. No need to get him on Hammer’s radar as well. I sent off a text saying I got the stuff, and Hammer sent back an address for me to meet him at.
The joint was in the industrial area of the city. Lots of warehouses lined up in a gated area, most of them abandoned and covered in graffiti. I slowed the truck down, scanning the area, until someone stepped outside the one on the end and lifted a hand. When I pulled up, Hammer was waiting for me, lighting a cigarette as I climbed out of the truck. He blew out a puff of smoke, lifting his chin in greeting.
“You got it?”
I nodded, shoving my hands into my pockets. Tipping my head towards the back, I led the way to the truck bed, popping open one of the moving boxes and stepping back so he could check the product. He peered into the box, grunting in what I assumed was approval before he let out a shrill whistle. A few guys came out of the warehouse and me and Hammer stepped back to let them unload it.
Hammer glanced at me, his eyes narrowed. “You take your cut yet?”
I pursed my lips, considering my answer. I wanted to say yes because maybe then he wouldn’t push me for a hit, but I didn't want him to think I was skimming. Hammer was a piece of shit, and he’d kill me without question now that he had his batch. I shook my head, glaring at the boxes as Hammer’s crew passed by.
“Nah. You didn’t tell me what percent I was getting. Besides, my girl lost her shit on me the other night. If I want a fuck, I can’t touch the shit.” It didn’t take much effort to put a growl in my tone. As much as I wanted to stay clean for Sam, I still wished I could have it all, and my annoyance wasn’t fake.
Hammer snorted. “So drop her. I got plenty of sweetbutts for the lot of us. They’ll keep you happy.”
My lip twitched as I fought back a scowl. I didn’t want to brag about Sam. That would bring too much attention her way, so instead I bobbed my head. “Yeah, maybe. You got my room ready? Don’t wanna listen to her bitchin’ if I can avoid it.”
He tossed his cigarette butt onto the ground, grinding it out with his boot as he blew out another puff of smoke. “Not yet.”
I flashed him an irritated look. “Why the fuck not?”
Now that he wasn’t looking to woo me, he was less charming than last time. He flashed me a dark look. “Keep it up, and you won’t get shit. I’m not movin’ you yet because I want someone on the inside. I need to know Croy’s whereabouts if I’m gonna take him down.”
“Meanwhile, I gotta stay fuckin’ sober and deal with Croy’s bullshit? That wasn’t part of the deal, man. I’m sick of his shit and–”
Without a hint of warning, Hammer slammed his fist into my gut. It knocked the wind out of me and I sank to my knees, gasping. He leaned close, fisting my hair to force me to look up at him.
“I ain’t Croy. My people don’t talk to me like that. You want your cut, you do what I fuckin’ say. You go back to the clubhouse and make up some bullshit about why you were out. I’ll contact you when I need another batch. We clear?”
My glare was probably not very convincing since I was still trying to breathe right. Fucker liked to rule with an iron fist, and if I wasn’t already doublecrossing him, I’d be planning on it now.
“Clear,” I gritted out, catching myself when he tossed me away roughly. I shoved to my feet, silently fuming, but Hammer stopped me when I reached the driver’s side door.
“Betray me and I’ll come for your girl, Clink. I don’t give a shit if you’re through with her or not. Some of my guys like it when they fight. I’ll pass her around and fucking enjoy it while I do. You took my offer. You work for me now. Get your ass back to Croy and play pretend like a good boy.”
He didn’t wait for me to leave, wandering off into the warehouse. I waited for him to duck out of sight before stalking around the truck. Before I left him behind, Neo left me a tracker, just in case. I snuck over to where Hammer’s bike was sitting on the edge of the parking lot, slipping the tracker under the engine. It was magnetic, it would hide there undetected if he got away. Not that we were going to let him. I got into the truck, dialing Croy before I even got down the block.
“You find ‘im?”
“I got him. He’s in a warehouse in the industry section. Last one on the end in the back.”
“We’re on our way. Stay out of sight.”
Not a fucking problem. Hammer threatened my woman. He was going to fucking pay. I stopped a few blocks away at a gas station, filling up the truck to waste time. As soon as my brotherhood was here, we were finally going to nail this asshole. And I was going to seriously enjoy it when we did.