Page 79 of Devil's Craving
“We seriously fuckin’ put this shit together because of a jealous sweetbutt?” a voice spoke behind us.
Chrissie whirled around, glaring at whoever spoke. “Shut up! I’ve been giving you information for weeks! I deserve a–”
“You don’t deserve shit, bitch, except this right here.”
“Enough. Chrissie, stop bitchin’ and tell the truth. Is she any good?”
Chrissie scowled. “How the hell should I know? I’m not around while she’s working.”
Hammer was on his feet in an instant, and before I could push myself up, Chrissie was on the floor. Hammer had backhanded her, and her lip was bleeding. She didn’t cry, but she didn’t have the opportunity before Hammer grabbed her hair, yanking her face closer to his.
“I’ve had enough of your shit. Yell at me again and I’ll stop bein’ so nice to you.”
She’d been so combative that I thought she’d keep fighting, but her mood changed on a dime and she stuck her lip out in a pout. “You haven’t been nice to me in days. How else was I gonna react when you’re so eager to fuck someone else?” When Hammer rolled his eyes, she reached for him, running her hand along his zipper. “You know what I want, baby. I got jealous.”
I felt like there was no way he’d fall for her obvious manipulation, but he huffed out a chuckle, shaking his head. “How the fuck was Croy dumb enough to let you walk away? Always so willing to spread your legs. He’s a fuckin’ idiot.”
When he yanked her closer, shoving his tongue down her throat violently, she moaned, rubbing him through his jeans and fisting his shirt. When Hammer released her, dumping her onto her butt, she flashed him a sultry look, waving her hand in my direction.
“Let her prove it or whatever. I’m sure I can show you a better time.”
If I didn’t know she was doing it for survival, I’d have been shocked that she was helping me. She was doing the exact opposite of me, offering herself willingly to get Hammer to go easy on her. His aggressiveness gentled just enough that when he pulled her to her feet, it no longer looked painful. He slapped her ass, tipping his head towards the stairs.
“Fine. Get your ass where you belong. I’m gonna make sure she’s not bullshittin’ me, then you’re gettin’ on your knees.”
Chrissie shot me a dirty look as she sauntered past me, putting a sway in her hips as she moved to the bottom of the stairs. She paused, giving Hammer another pout, and purred at him. “Don't take too long. I’d hate to have to start without you.”
That made Hammer smirk, and he waved her off. When his attention turned back to me, I scrambled away from him, until I was off the dirty mattress and pressed into the corner of the room. His eyes narrowed, and he scowled.
“You’re lucky I’m tired of dealin’ with the bullshit electricity around here and there’s pussy upstairs to keep them happy.” He gestured to the group of guys behind him, who looked irritated at the entire exchange. “You get ten minutes. Prove that you’re legit or else.”
I didn’t want to move. I wanted to stay hidden in that corner until it was over. But I knew what would happen if I didn’t. My eyes darted around, zeroing in on the flickering light in the kitchen on the opposite side of the room. I could fix that quickly to prove myself and hopefully that’d buy me more time.
The tools they had were extremely limited, and they wouldn’t let me turn off the power to more than one room. Hammer got irritated when I couldn’t find the right switch to turn off the power to the kitchen, none of them were marked on the fuse box in the hallway. He choked me, snarling that I better not be lying to him, until I found the right switch and he released me. I’d been so close to passing out from the lack of oxygen that my legs gave out, and I collapsed to the floor. I had to force myself to my feet, scurrying to the kitchen so that I could get to work.
Fixing the light took only a few minutes. I had to strip the wire with my teeth, which Russel would have been really pissed about, but I was pretty sure he’d forgive me in this situation. Once I bypassed the part of the wire that looked like rats had chewed it on, I wrapped it in electrical tape and basically launched myself off the counter to flick the fuse back on. The light turned on and I held my breath for a few seconds, but it stayed steady, no flickering, and I let out a slow breath.
Hammer didn’t look happy when I showed him. He made an irritated noise, turning his back on me as he waved to the rest of the house. “Fine. Make yourself useful. But if I catch you slacking, you won’t like what we do to you. Clear?”
I nodded once. I could do that. I’d keep working until I passed out if I had to. Anything to keep myself safe.
The bullshit concussion left me out of commission for two days. Any time I tried to get up to do something, Sam and Riley would bitch at me until I laid back down. It was a fucking headache. I could handle myself, but Croy listened to Riley and told me to fuck off until she cleared me to get out of bed. It wasn’t until I could move around without flinching that Riley backed the hell off and let me get to work.
The crew was fucking busy since our failed attempt at putting Hammer down. The pigs showed up, since our bikes had plates on them and shit that tied the explosion back to us, but they didn't have any proof that we were there. Croy spun some bullshit about our bikes being parked there for maintenance, and he started demanding that the pigs do their jobs and find out who screwed him over. It left them confused as hell when we were playing the victims, since it was normally us causing the trouble, but it got them off our backs for the time being.
Most of the bikes were destroyed, and we couldn’t go back and get them anyway, since it was a crime scene. That meant the guys were going in groups to buy new ones, and it pissed me the fuck off. A biker was nothing without his bike. Some of the guys had the same one since they started riding. It hurt like hell for them to replace it. Once I got my hands on Hammer, he was going to pay.
Between all that, and searching for Hammer, we also had our regular shit to do. We lost an entire batch thanks to Hammer’s fuckery, and we had to get more before buyers started bitching. Since we were already on the pigs’ radar, it had to be done carefully, which was a huge pain in the ass.
That meant once I got back to work, I had to hit the ground running. I was busy as hell and didn’t even have time to text Sam while I was gone. She didn’t mention it, but I knew it bugged her. Wasn’t much I could do about it while we were dealing with Hammer, but I planned on making it up to her by bringing her food and spending time alone in my room tonight. Chicks loved that shit, especially if I set it up like some kind of picnic or something.
Sam had been working late too, keeping herself busy when I was gone, but I was surprised she wasn’t in our room when I got back. It was past dinner already, though, so I figured she’d be downstairs eating with the old ladies. I took a minute to set up the picnic, knowing she’d eat that shit up, and headed downstairs to look for her when I was through. Riley and Quinn were in the kitchen, talking as they ate. No Sam, though. I frowned, interrupting them when I walked up.
“You guys seen Sam?”