Page 83 of Devil's Craving
He scanned her, doing a double take on her arm. When he lifted it, I saw the bloody prick marks. I felt like I couldn’t breathe.
“He fucking dosed her! That motherfucker!”
I wanted to kill him, to tear him limb from limb, but I couldn’t move away from Sam. With the way she was breathing, the asshole had given her too much, and she was overdosing. My stomach turned over, and I dry heaved off to the side while Reaper pulled out his phone.
“We need the doc. Yes, we got him. He drugged her, and she’s out cold.”
Doc might work at a hospital in the city, but he was at the club right now, checking on the guys who’d been hurt in the explosion. I had no clue how long Sam had been like this, but it was too long to wait.
“Gimme your phone.”
Mine was still fucked, and I hadn’t gotten it replaced. Maybe if I had, I would’ve known Sam was leaving. She could’ve tried to message me and I would’ve missed it because of my stupid broken phone.
When Reaper didn't automatically respond, I snatched it from him, hanging up and dialing again. There was only one person nearby who might have what we needed to help Sam.
The prospect picked up, and I barked at him before he could even speak. “Give the phone to Tyson!”
“Shit. Okay, okay.”
He handed off the phone. Tyson must’ve known it was important, because he didn't waste any time. “What does she need?”
The time it took for Tyson to get to us was less than ten minutes, but it felt like hours. I could only count the breaths Sam took, praying each time she did that she’d take another one. She didn’t deserve this. It was my fucking fault. I should’ve done better, should’ve explained better that she couldn’t leave, not even to go to her work. I still didn’t know why she left, but I didn't care. She wasn’t at fault for living her life. It was my fault for not protecting her better. For not taking out Hammer the dozens of times I had the shot. He deserved to suffer, yeah, but I should’ve shot him in the face in the diner without hesitation.
Croy and the crew showed up with Tyson in tow, and he took Reaper’s place, dosing Sam with the narcan. His face was strained and pale as we waited for it to kick in. When she took a deeper breath, a flicker of hope lit in my chest and I stared at her, willing her eyes to open.
“Come on, baby. Wake up.”
Her brows furrowed slightly, and it took a few minutes, but her eyes opened and beautiful hazel depths locked on me.
Relief flooded my system, and I pulled her against me, rocking slowly. “Jesus fucking christ. I thought I’d lost you.”
“What… What happened?”
I drew back, pushing her hair out of her face as I studied her. “You don't remember?”
When she shook her head, Tyson nodded. “That’s normal. She’ll be a little out of it for a while. We need to get her to a hospital, get her checked over.” She turned to look at him and he smiled softly. “How you doing, sweetheart?”
Her frown deepened, and she looked confused. “What’s going on?”
Shaking my head, I pulled her farther into my lap. I felt like I needed to hold all of her at once. She didn’t argue, resting her head against my chest, but I could feel her confusion. Part of me didn't want her to remember. Looking around the joint, she’d obviously been through some shit. I didn't miss the mattress on the floor. She was fully dressed, which gave me hope that Hammer didn't touch her, but I had no way of knowing for sure. And if he did, I didn't want her to remember it.
Knox hotwired a car so we could bring Sam to the hospital. I wasn’t gonna be able to get her onto my bike right now. She said she felt weak, and I had to carry her out to the car. Her arms around my neck were loose, like she couldn’t put in enough energy to hold on to me securely. I slid into the back and Tyson joined us, putting Sam’s feet in his lap. He talked low to her, keeping her calm when I couldn’t say much. I didn't know what the hell to say to her. And after seeing her lying on the floor like that, my tongue felt like lead in my mouth.
Sam getting hurt was my fault. I put her on Hammer’s radar. I knew right then that I could never touch drugs again. My weakness nearly got Sam killed, and if she ever forgave me, I’d need to make sure I’d never have any bullshit that people could use against me again. I needed to get clean. For her.
Riley met us at the hospital and it made me feel better when they brought Sam back for a thorough exam that Riley would be with her. Tyson said it was necessary to get the whole picture, but Sam looked terrified and it put me on edge. He had to lead me to the waiting room with a hand on my shoulder to get me to walk away from her.
Once we were alone, I noticed the dark look on his face. I grimaced, running my fingers through my hair. “I’m sorry. This is my fault and–”
“No, it’s not. It’s mine.”