Page 5 of Secretary Seduction
“Um, excuse me!”
He froze, turning around slowly to look at me. I bit my lip, bouncing on my toes as I pointed over my head. “Do you mind?”
His gaze lifted, and he frowned. The papers weren’t the only thing I managed to drop in my effort to save Alan’s cake. The balloons slipped out of my hand while I was floundering around and my five foot five frame wasn’t doing me any favors at getting them back down. The giant of a man lumbered back over, barely needing to stretch to grab the ribbons and pull the bouquet of balloons back down. I beamed as he handed them to me.
“Thank you! I really appreciate it.”
He nodded, his brow furrowing as he watched me try and adjust so that I could carry everything at once. I wanted to surprise Alan, but I was a little worried that if I didn’t hurry, he’d go to bed before I had the chance. He liked to go to bed early because he wanted to be at one hundred percent for his work. His job was important, and I didn’t want to keep him up late if I could avoid it, so I couldn’t waste time running up and down from the garage.
“Did you want some help?”
I let out a helpless laugh, nodding. “Thanks so much. When my boyfriend asked me to bring him some files from work so that he could look at them this weekend, I didn’t realize there would be this many. If I’d known, I would’ve brought a bag to carry them.”
The mystery man took the cake from me, holding it easily in one hand while he waited for me to grab the rest of my things. I had to wrap my arms around the files so they wouldn’t spill again and I’d be spending the rest of the night reorganizing them before Alan looked through them this weekend. Normally, I was better about things like this, but today just wasn’t my day. I was so busy making Alan his favorite breakfast and bringing it to his apartment before running back home to get ready for work, then making his favorite lunch and bringing it to him outside his office. I got lucky when he said he was going to grab dinner with a client so I had time to nip out to the bakery to pick up the cake, but then when I was on my way back to his apartment, he asked me to grab those files so I had to turn around and go back. It was all worth it, though. I just wanted his birthday to be perfect.
The man beside me shifted uncomfortably. He looked a little uneasy, so I shot him a smile and carefully stuck out my hand without dropping the files.
“I’m Julie.”
His hand engulfed mine and instead of shaking it and potentially making me drop all the papers again, he squeezed gently before releasing me.
“Do you live around here, Bennett?” I found I remembered people’s names better if I used them right away, and people generally responded better when I did, too.
“Fifth floor.”
“Oh, that must be nice. Alan lives on the third floor, but he wanted a top-floor apartment. They’re hard to come by. You must be really lucky.”
His brow drew down, and he shook his head slowly. “Wouldn’t say that.”
The door to the garage elevator slid open, and we stepped in together. I was careful about making sure all the balloons got inside and Bennett was nice enough to press the button for me. He took a step back, avoiding eye contact with me. It gave me a minute to look at him, though, and I tipped my head curiously.
I’d been to Alan’s apartment a dozen times over, but I never ran into Bennett before now. I’d remember. I doubted there was a person on the planet who could forget that man. He was tall and muscular, with wide shoulders and a trim waist. Dirty blonde hair that was faded on the sides and a little longer on top, almost like a military cut. He had a strong jaw, clean shaven, and hazel eyes. He was beyond handsome and polite, too. Few people I knew would stop and help me pick up my things. They definitely wouldn’t have offered to carry them up to Alan’s apartment, either. He had to be new around here for me to never have caught sight of him before.
“Are you new to the building?”
“Been here a few years.”
My eyebrows went up. “Huh. It’s weird that we haven’t met before. I come around here almost every night now.”
He tipped his head. “You don’t live here?”
“No. My boyfriend does. It’s closer to his work. I couldn’t afford a place like this on my own and he doesn’t want to move in together until after we’re married.” I lifted my shoulders. It was a sore spot between me and Alan. He wasn’t ready to move on to the next stage of our relationship because he wanted to get promoted first. I tried not to let it get to me. He worked hard, and he promised it’d be soon.
Bennett looked confused. “He makes you come to him?”
“Uh, yeah. He works later than me, so I come here after work and make dinner.” I huffed out a laugh. “Before me, he was surviving on takeout mostly. I’m pretty sure he hadn’t had a home cooked meal in years.”
He nodded, but he didn’t look happy about my answer. I felt my face flush. Some of my friends said I worked too hard to keep Alan happy, but I didn’t see it that way. You’re supposed to take care of your significant other. My mom still makes my dad dinner every night. He works hard, after all.
The door to the elevator slid open, and I stepped out, chewing on my bottom lip as we made our way down the hall towards Alan’s apartment. I hoped he was still awake. I texted him a while ago that I was heading over, but that was before he asked me to pick up the files.
We stopped outside his door, and I used my key to let myself in. It was the only consolation Alan would give me before we got married. He gave it to me as a gift on Christmas. I was so happy about it. It was basically a ring before the ring in my mind. One step closer to happily ever after.
The apartment was dark, and I frowned. “Alan?”