Page 112 of Reaper Released
I step out of the bedroom. Scar had been helping me get ready for tonight. It’s Pa Bernie’s job for the judge. We decided to go ahead with it, as the information we could get may still be useful. It’s a no-brainer, really!
“Fucking hell!” Steel breathes out from behind the kitchen counter. “You should come with a health warning, baby!”
I smile over at him. “You’re just biased.” He grins at me, and my swinging brick stutters in my chest. Fuck, I adore this man. Taking in his handsome face, the scar that runs down it giving him an edge that makes my thighs clench. His dimples wreck me every time, then his scent, that smell that's all encapsulating. But the spell is broken when there’s a cough from the living room.
“Really uncomfortable over here with the amount of eye fucking going on. Just saying.”
I turn to Pa Bernie and laugh. “Sorry, Pa B. I just can’t help myself.”
He waves his hand in my direction. “Yeah, yeah, just do it on your own time, you’re on the clock now!”
I laugh again as I walk to the kitchen counter. I’m wearing a red dress, tight clinging, with a slit right up the right leg. The plunging neckline leaves little to the imagination, but it has sleeves and a full back, covering all my tattoos. My hair hangs over my shoulder in soft flowing curls, and my make-up is subtle and understated.
I tighten the knife holster on my left thigh, slide my favourite knife into it, my Emerson Karambit, and slip the Hellcat gun into my clutch. I slide my brass knuckles on my right hand, which look like rings, and Bernie hands me the necklace I’m to wear. It has a mic in it so Dice can listen in. I hand Steel my rings. “Save them for me, baby, till I get back!”
Tali and Skye huddle on the sofa, cooing at my pretty dress, and I wink over at them. “Red’s the best colour… hides the blood!”
They bark out a laugh. Skye’s starting to relax but still hasn’t told us anything about herself. I slide on the shoes Steel bought me as a wedding present, and he lets out a slow whistle. “Damn, baby, don’t be too long, okay!” He adjusts his dick.
I toss him a wink as we walk out. “Don’t wait up!”
Priest drives us to the judge’s office. He's going to drop us off at the event so we can pass him the gizmo.
I step out of the town car at the judge's office and slide in my earpiece. “Big Daddy, can you hear me?” I ask Dice through the mic in the necklace.
“Roger that, Black Widow.” He half laughs.
“Which twat picked these stupid names?” I can just hear Dice laughing through the earpiece.
“Will you two quit it? We're supposed to be professional!” Bernie curses under his breath.
“Roger that, Poppa Bear,” Dice breathes out.
I smirk as Pa Bernie takes my arm and leads me to the front entrance. Pa Bernie’s security and I’m an escort, apparently! We sign in and head up to the judge's chambers, climbing the stairs and straightening my dress.
“You know what to do?” I nod as we reach Judge Metcalf's chambers. Pa Bernie knocks, and we are called in. Behind the desk stands a slim, short, balding man, approximately about five foot seven. His dark brown hair is slicked back with product, which you can see through his scalp. He’s pasty, with flushed cheeks. His eyes are dull and brown, and there is a sheen over his forehead. He’s dressed in an expensive charcoal three-piece suit, his jacket’s open, and I can see the pocket watch hanging from his waistcoat, with a white shirt and red tie and pocket square. Bernie strides to the desk, arm outstretched.
“Marcus, Your Honour, I will be your security for this evening. Judge Metcalf, this is the escort we vetted for you, Celeste.”
I lean in and take his hand as he kisses the back. The slimy motherfucker. I smile sweetly. “It’s a pleasure. How should I address you this evening, sir?”
“Celeste, if you would call me Joseph, it will seem less of a business transaction and more a pleasure… ” He smiles smarmily at me as if he thinks he’s getting any pleasure at the end of this. Over my dead body, dickwad! He rakes his gaze over every inch of my exposed skin, then barks out. “ …and Marcus, refer to me as Judge Metcalf!”
“As you wish.” Pa Bernie nods.
“Can I get you a drink, Celeste?”
“That would be wonderful, Joseph. Thank you.” Smarmy fucker.I sickly smile at him as he pours himself a large scotch and a smaller one for me.
“May I speak with you outside for a moment, Judge Metcalf?”
He nods towards the door. “Of course, Marcus, please, step outside.”
I slide my fingers along his nameplate, making appreciative noises. As I slide my hand along his leather inlaid desk, I sip at my drink as they leave the room. Throwing the rest of the drink in the potted plant in the corner, I shove my hand in my bra and pull out the device Dice has given me, grimacing as I catch my new jewellery. Fucker. I open his laptop and slide in the USB connector. “I’m in, Big Daddy. Fuck my life!” I grumble out.
“Okay, type in this password as I say it, okay?”