Page 115 of Reaper Released
“Judge Metcalf, Joseph, you’re hurting me. You’ve forced me to my knees, you have me held by my hair, I’m crying on the bathroom floor in front of you, and you’re trying to force your penis in my mouth. Please don’t do this. I don’t want you to go too far and rape me. I don’t want to lose my virginity this way, please.”
“You’re a virgin?” He gasps and smiles. It's a nasty, vile, disgusting smile, and then his eyes glaze.
Dice snarls out, “Fuck it, Black Widow. Kill the son of a bitch.”
Pa yells out, “Hold out, Black Widow!”
“Fuck sucking my dick. Take your fucking dress off now. I’m gonna fuck you on this floor like the slut you are.”
“Please? I’ve just told you I’m a virgin. Don’t do this!”
“I’m gonna fuck you every way I can because you’re a virgin slut, and I’m gonna make you fucking bleed like a little bitch.” He slaps me again, and I fall back on the floor as he dives on top of me, groping at my breasts. Ow, motherfucker, they’re still sore!
“Please, please, someone help me!”
“Poppa Bear, we have enough!” Dice snarls over the earpiece.
The door opens, and Pa slips in. “Well, well, what do we have here?”
“Get outside and watch the door. Do what I tell you. We're role-playing. I’m gonna fuck her, and she’s gonna scream blue murder while I pin her down. Either watch the door or grab her fucking arms. I will double your pay.”
“Double, you say?”
“Just fucking do it now.”
I thrash around. Well, I use that term loosely as a good stiff wind would blow this prick over. I don't think he could fight his way out of a wet paper bag, and we need to make it look good.
“All good, Black Widow. Take him out,” Dice spits in the earpiece.
I rear up from underneath him, grabbing him by the throat and slamming him back into the wall. He gasps in surprise, his eyes darting from me to Pa and back again. As I relax my grip, I slam his head back into the wall again.
“You fucked up, darling!” I smirk at him, and he starts to claw at my hands and grabs at my wrist.
“Stop her,” he chokes out, looking over at Pa.
My pa, who’s checking his fingernails and leaning on the sink, says, “Sorry, boss… I’m on a break.”
His eyes bulge as he’s gasping, trying to draw air in. I lean in and whisper, “You shouldn’t have underestimated me, motherfucker. This is gonna be fun.” His eyes start to flutter, and he’s verging on passing the fuck out. I drop him to the floor like a rag doll, and I kick him in the ribs once, twice, three times for good measure. “Fucking arsehole.” I spit on him as Pa hauls him up. My cheek is red from where he hit me, and my hair’s a little messy, but I think I can pull it off as we go to drag him out of the door while he gasps for breath.
“Guys, hang fire. Two black SUVs are pulling up… shit, eight guys, armed, full tactical gear. Get out of there!”
“Shit!” I murmur. “Poppa Bear, you need to take him out the back. I will cover you if they come for him. We need to get him out. Saving him will actually put him in our pocket more.”
Pa nods. “Shit, okay, let’s go!”
Slapping him round the face to bring him back to us, I say, “Come on, motherfucker.” He starts to focus. I slap him hard, and his gaze spins to me, and full-on panic sets in. “Darling, I’ve got a proposition for you.” He glances back between Pa and me, tears streaming down his face. “Please don’t kill me?”
“There are eight men here to kill you. I can save you, but then you’ll be in my pocket, and you’ll do what I say when I say it, do you understand!”
“You’re just an escort!” He looks confused at me, causing a laugh to erupt out of me, more of a maniacal laugh by this point.
“You fucked with the wrong girl this time! You’re gonna be my little bitch now.”
“Celeste, please.”
“Oh, you can call me Black Widow. I’m about to become your saviour and also your motherfucking worst nightmare. Good luck with that!” I laugh out at him, grabbing the scruff of his neck. “Follow me, stay close, do not do anything stupid, or I will shoot you myself.” I snatch up my clutch and grab the gun, pointing it at him. “Escape route three!” I nod to Pa, and he shoves Joseph through the door. We head up to the fifth floor. We’ve had the blueprints for this job for weeks.
I know the layout like the back of my hand: fifth floor, room 515. The Juliet balcony is directly opposite a larger balcony across the alleyway. Smashing the door in and yanking the balcony doors open, I point to the balcony. It’s a floor below, so it should be easy enough to jump onto. “Poppa Bear, you go first, then I will send Joseph across.”