Page 12 of Reaper Released
I cock a brow at him. “There's nothing I want to know, Miguel. There’s no information you can give me that I need!”
Leaning forward, I flick the end of the match, and he screams again as it vibrates under his nail. It’s pushed all the way into his nail bed.
Taking the second match, I push it under his thumb nail.
“Fuck!” he bellows out, snivelling. I just smile at him, picking up the third match. I take his little finger, resting the match against the underneath of his nail.
It comes out as almost a whisper. “I have information! If you promise… to let me live… I can tell you everything… everything about the Castillos… The Hellhounds… Shay, everything!”
Pushing the third match under his little finger, he sobs out.
I push so slowly he starts gasping. I think he’s gonna have a panic attack.
“It was Shay, it was all her!” he screams as I push in a fourth match. “She wanted you… Scar, dead. It was… her… All her!”
“Tut-tut, Miguel. I thought you would be made of stronger stuff than this. And you thought you would overthrow the leader of the Castillo Cartel when you’re a snivelling douche bag.
“You think I don’t know that? You do realise that you, Jose, Hugo, and Franco did nothing but speak in Spanish about your whole plan. You think I wasn’t listening? You, my friend, underestimated me, and that was your biggest mistake. But by all means, continue to underestimate me further. That's always fun… for me!”
I slide in the fifth match to another scream. “I know all about your plan to overthrow Carmen.” He gasps as if I’d been making up the whole ‘I know Spanish’ shit and wasn’t really listening.
“I know all about your plan to pin it on the Reapers. I know all about the plan with the Hellhounds and how you were gonna sell me. I know all about the human trafficking, I know you were planning on double crossing the Hellhounds.” I stand. I walk around the back of him so I can see all the guys there. I have my suspicions on who the rat is, but this next piece of the puzzle will tell me for sure.
“You think I don’t know you were fucking Shay?” There it is my proof. The slightest twitch, the widening of the eyes, the slightest inhale. Got you, motherfucker!
“You think I don’t know that she was in love with you, but you were gonna betray her and have her sold right along with me?” Reaching down to my boot I slide two of my throwing blades into my hand as I stare right in the guilty party’s eyes.
“Did you know she was fucking another of the guys here, Miguel?” His shocked gasp tells me all I need to know as I stand up and launch the first blade, hitting him straight between the eyes. He gasps. I throw the other one, which embeds straight in his neck. His eyes go wide as he grasps for the blade and for breath before collapsing into a heap on the floor. “Consider the rat exterminated.”
Everyone in there stares down at Casper’s lifeless body, everyone except Roach. It’s because of him I suspected Casper in the first place. I wink at him, and the biggest smile comes across his face.
“Nice work, kid!” I grin. “Your intel was priceless. Roach, you did good!”
Everyone around the barn is sharing looks with each other and glancing backwards and forwards towards Roach. He beams with pride. I’m pretty sure he will get patched in now!
Walking back around to sit in front of Miguel again, I take out another match. He’s sweating profusely and panting, but not as much as before, so I light the match and hold it to his middle finger, and just watch it slowly burn down the match till it reaches his finger, the smell of burning flesh hits the air. Screams and pure panic spread over him as I just sit there, watching his skin redden and crisp and his nail shrivel. It's the paraffin the match’s soaked in that keeps it lit.
As he screams and screams, the match goes out and he calms down. I light the second, rinse, repeat and onto the third. At that moment, my phone rings. I answer it
“Dónde estás ahora?… enviaré a alguien.”
“Where are you now?… I will send someone.”
Hanging up, I stand and walk over to Viking, whispering in his ear, he nods then leaves. Leaning back in my chair, I light the final two matches and watch as they destroy the ends of his fingers.
Next thing, the door’s open again, and in walks Viking followed by two guys in black suits. The MC guys part again for them to enter as I rise from my chair and stand to face them.
Miguel’s still whimpering as the three men come to a stop in front of me. Viking turns and steps to my side as the two guys in suits step outward, leaving Carmen in the gap.
Miguel gasps and starts crying. “Carmen, thank god. You’re here to save me from these savages. They’ve kidnapped and tortured me...”
Miguel lets out a sigh of relief, and as I give him the stink eye. He smirks. Ha! Motherfucker thinks she’s here to save him. Carmen’s dressed in a white blouse unbuttoned to her cleavage, showing the black lace along the cup of her bra, a black pencil skirt, stockings and a pair of black Louboutins. She has thick long dark hair to her waist in luscious waves, and caramel coloured skin. Pulling down the bug eye sunglasses she’s wearing, I can see her dark chocolate eyes. She raises her arms to me.
“Mi nueva mejor amiga.”
“My new best friend.”