Page 21 of Reaper Released
“What the fuck, Ray!” he yells. “You’ve been shot!”
“I know! I was fucking there! I was the fucker who got shot! Now kindly fuck right off and get out my face before I fucking nut you!”
“Woah, woah, woah, easy there.” Two hands push in between us, pushing us apart. “Time out, guys!” Turning and glaring at Tank, he raises his hands up in submission. “Steel, why don’t you go get a drink, and Ray, why don’t you… show me around your van!”
Glaring at Steel, I step into the van. I can hear them whispering as I step in, but I don’t give a flying fuck, so I grab the tequila. Tank walks in and shuts the door behind him.
“Bedroom at the end, shower room to the left, closet to the right. Dining room, kitchen, living room. Are we done here?”
“What’s going on?” he questions, cocking a brow at me and tilting his head.
“I got shot!” I blow out a breath, releasing my anger. I’m not angry with Tank, and I’m not going to take it out on him.
“I know, but what’s going on?”
“I got shot, and now people expect shit from me and just… wanna tell me what the fuck to do, and boss me the fuck around, and make me feel shit. I don’t know what to do. I just… ” I sigh out a breath.
“You just what?”
“I’m just done, Tank. I’m done! I’m going to bed!” I turn and stalk to the bedroom and shut the door. I still have hold of the tequila, so it’s lights out for me!
Walking around the corner to the garage, I can hear low chattering, so I flatten to the side of the building, coming right to the side of the garage doors. I lean back against the wall and kick up my foot, leaning it on the wall, bending my knee. I take out my Swiss Army knife and pick at my nails while I’m tab hanging.
“She’s gonna hurt herself,” Steel says.
“You tell her, then!” Priest huffs.
“I tried. She wouldn’t even talk to me,” Steel argues.
“Or me!” Tank mumbles.
“What were you even arguing about?” Priest asks.
“She went to the gym with Roach,” Steel tells them, the fucking snitch!
“The fucking gym. Is she serious?” Viking barks out.
“That’s what I said, but she got in my face and started shouting back at me… ” Steel whines.
“Yeah, she’s got a bit of a temper,” Priest adds.
“A fucking bit of a temper? That’s an understatement,” Blade replies.
“So, what are we gonna do?” Tank questions. “We can't just let her hurt herself!”
“Scar says they’re going away somewhere at the weekend,” Ares tells them.
“Where? She never said,” Steel sounds pissed.
“Maybe that’s because you were shouting at each other!” Tank’s clearly pissed too.
“Fuck you!” Steel sounds like a five-year-old.
“Fuck you more.” As Tank joins him in foundation, or what is it they call it? Ah, yeah, kindergarten!
“Guys, this isn’t helping. We need to come up with a plan together.” Dice tries to rein them in.