Page 37 of Reaper Released
“How are you and Scar doing after everything? You both all healed up?” John asks.
“Yeah, we're good, all healed now. I’m back in the gym and training one of the guys here, so it’s been great.”
“Have you figured anything out?” Cade asks.
“I think so. I’m gonna see if I can stay. That’s what I want to speak to you guys about. I’m unsure, as I don’t want it to be like when Bernie left, and we didn’t see him for ages. Sorry, but FaceTime isn’t enough for me. I need to know I’m gonna see you guys!”
Steven sighs and smiles. “How about we make a deal? You come to see us every year, and we will come to see you every year, so at least we can see each other every six months. What do you say, Squirt? You wanna commit to that?”
“Six months? Fuck no! I can’t live with that, twice a year. Three months, at least. I suppose I can live with that.” I sound almost dejected.
“You suppose?” JJ asks.
“Yeah, I just miss you. I’ve not been away from any of you this much, ever. I’m fucking twenty-three, for fuck’s sake. I may have a little separation anxiety!”
“Fuck off!” Cade barks out. “I don’t doubt you miss us, Squirt, but anxiety of any sort, you’re talking out your ass!”
“Hey, it was worth a try to get you to feel sorry for me!” Although I really do mean it. I feel like I have just learned to be one, but I’m splitting with Reaper all over again.
“Twat!” Steven laughs.
“Rude!” I laugh back. “Right, I’m gonna head to the gym. Call you in a couple of days, okay?”
“Love ya, Squirt!”
“Love you all, ya knobheads!” Blowing them kisses, I end the call. I know they think I’m hard as fucking nails but with my dad gone, I’m actually struggling a bit without them, especially Cade. He’s always been my go-to. And without him, without them, I’m a little lost, if I'm honest.
Walking into the gym, Roach is already there. “Hey, kid, how’s it going?” He’s in shorts and a vest top and looks like he’s raring to go.
“Are those some muscles I can see coming? You’re looking good!” I punch him in the arm as I walk past. “Ready to ramp it up now I’m healed?”
“Fuck yeah, Ray, bring it on!”
“Oh, you’re gonna be so sorry and sore tomorrow!” I make my way over to the ring. “Come on, kid, let’s go!” Taking the pads into the ring, an hour and a half later, he collapses onto his back.
“Fuck, Ray, I’m done… I think I’ve died!”
As I laugh, that booming voice comes from the door. “Fuck Ray, you sadist! You okay, kid?”
He lifts his head off the canvas. “No, Steel, I’m not!” Then he drops it back down again and is panting for breath. He’s a sweaty, panting mess, which I take as a win for me.
“Same time tomorrow?”
“Hell yeah!” He wheezes. “Can you just leave so I don’t have to try and get up while you’re here? I don't know if my legs will work. You’ve totally kicked my ass!”
“Okay, Kid. You gonna be okay?”
“Maybe?” He laughs, and I grab my shit and leave with Steel, walking back towards the van.
Steel grabs my arm. “Where are you going?”
“I need a shower.”
“Grab your stuff and come back to mine. My shower is better, and my bed is comfier!”
“Oh, I’m staying, am I?”
“Do you not want to?” He cocks a brow at me as if he hasn’t considered that an option.