Page 43 of Reaper Released
“What? Shay? I don’t know who that is!”
I laugh at him. “Ah, come on, pull the other one. It's got fucking bells on it. Are you fucking her? She did tell you why she’s having you do this, didn’t she?”
“What you talking about?”
“What reason did Shay say she wanted you to take her?” Pointing at Scar with my knife but keeping my back against the tree, then going back to picking my nails.
“She ruined her life. This bitch here ruined Shay's life!”
I laugh at him again. “She’s fucking Shay’s ex. That’s why she wants her gone, so she can get back with him!”
“That’s a lie. She loves me. We're gonna be together once we’ve killed her!”
“What's your name?”
“My name? What the fuck has that got to do with anything?”
“I like to know who I’m killing.”
“Thomas! You won’t kill me, though, not while I have her!”
“Did you ever watch the Twilight films, Thomas?”
“What? You wanna talk about fucking vampire movies!”
“Yeah, Thomas, you're actually Riley Biers!”
“What the fuck you talking about?”
“Shay is Victoria, and Scar here has nicked James. She's just trying to get him back. You do know that when I kill you, she’s not gonna give a shit?”
“You don’t know anything!” he snarls at me.
I laugh again. “Ah, she really does have a magical pussy!”
“The fuck?”
I point the knife at him again. “Do you realise she’s already sent two other guys after her?” I point the knife at Scar again. “Poor Casper. Took my knife between the eyes for her, and poor Miguel.” I shake my head. “The Castillo Cartel collected him after I had a little fun. Word is he’s been skinned and then filleted, and then… anyway, you get the picture of what’s gonna happen to you.”
He starts looking around, so I throw a couple more rocks. “Hold your positions!”
He spins back to me.
“So if you let her go, I won’t kill you, but if you spill one drop of her blood, I will give you a Columbian necktie! Choose!” I shout at him, making him flinch.
“Shay’s not gonna come for you. She wants Ares, not you! So what’s it gonna be, boy?”
I can see the panic in his eyes as he darts them back and forward.
“If… if I let her go, you won’t kill me?”
“Shit, shit. Fuck.”
Hearing a car in the distance, I keep talking. “So, what’s it gonna be? There’s an expiry to everything, boy, and yours will be up in five… four… three… two… ”
“Okay, okay, fuck!” He pushes Scar forward.