Page 64 of Reaper Released
“A theme park!”
“Like rollercoasters and shit!”
“Yeah, like rollercoasters and shit. What do you say, Ray?”
“Let’s do it!” As we run to the car, we jump in and high tail it out of there! An hour and forty-five later, we’re pulling into the car park of the massive theme park. We buy the queue jump tickets, VIP passes, the works. We play every carnival game that you have to pay for and win a shit tonne of crap which we carry around every ride. We eat candy floss, ice cream, waffles, and more ice cream and sweets, and then Dane’s sick after one of the rides, so we go on it again, and we take a shit tonne of photos till we’re exhausted.
“Wanna drive back, or shall we get a hotel?” I ask him.
“I think if I try to drive, I will pass out, puke, or both.” So we head to the nearest hotel.
Wife: Back tomorrow. xx
I then turn my phone off. One, because I don’t have that much charge, and two, because I’m an arsehole, so there. We climb into the twin beds, put shit on the telly, order room service, and pass out!
Waking up, we head downstairs for breakfast. “Hey Dane, thanks for yesterday. I appreciate it!”
“That’s what little brothers are for. You know I missed you when we moved back here. I’m glad you’re staying! I would like to spend more time with you. If you want to, that is.”
I launch myself at him and give him the biggest hug ruffling his hair. “I fucking love you, ya know!”
He grins at me. “I fucking love you too! Now let’s get breakfast, then head back. You’re getting married tomorrow!”
“Did you just say fucking gulp?” He asks, bursting out laughing at me.
“Fucking facepalm emoji.” He grins. And that’s it. We both lose it in the corridor of the hotel. By the time we make it for breakfast, our sides hurt, and our cheeks are sore, and I’m so ready to get back home and marry the love of my life.
Turning my phone back on, it blings, and blings, and blings.
Steel: Okay, baby, have fun. Miss you. xx
Pa Bernie: You two fuckwits best hurry up home.
Pa Bernie: Your Ma’s going out of her mind with worry.
Pa Bernie: What are you two up to? If you get into trouble, I’m gonna whoop your asses.
Pa Bernie: I’m not bailing you out if you’re locked up. You can rot in there, knobheads!
Pa Bernie: That’s it. It’s official. You’re both fucking dead.
Ray: Love you too, on our way back. xx
I show Dane my phone.
“Well, that escalated quickly. Glad to see Dad automatically assumes that we’re in jail! Nice!”
Slinging my arm around him, we head home to face the music. As we pull up to the front of the clubhouse, Steel's standing there waiting for us. I jump out and run at him, throwing my arms around him and kissing him senselessly.
“Fuck, I missed you!” He breathes into his kiss.
“Missed you too, big man!” Putting me down, he glances over at Dane.
“Yo, D-man. Thanks, buddy. I owe you one!” Dane gives him a nod and a two-finger salute.