Page 66 of Reaper Released
“Not today, baby. Gotta pick Demi up!”
“I’m so gonna fuck you on that once we’re married!”
His eyes glisten at me, and he licks his lips. “I’m gonna fucking hold you to that!”
Smirking, I slap his arse as we head to the truck.
Pulling up at the diner, we head inside. Demi isn’t working this afternoon. She's done the morning shift, so she can head back home and grab her stuff, and we’re gonna pick her up after we eat. Scar, Demi, Beauty, Marie, Carmen and Tali will stay with me in the clubhouse tonight. All the guys have gone out to the lodges up the top end of the property.
I still haven't seen Pops yet. I hope I get to see him tomorrow! We sit in our usual booth, and Steel messes around, fidgeting with the sugar, resting my hand over his as I sit opposite him. “You okay?”
“Yeah, I just want to talk, you know, before tomorrow. Before it’s too late.”
“Well, shit, that sounds ominous!”
He gives me a small smile, but not a dimple in sight.
“Shit! Okay, hit me with it.”
Looking up at my face, he lets out a breath. “So I want to make sure you’re… happy to go ahead tomorrow, that I haven’t forced you into this, that you haven’t just got swept along. I want to give you an out and also talk about deal breakers?”
“Shit, baby, you having second thoughts?”
“No. No, nothing like that. I just want you to know what you’re getting into… I’m not the man you think I am—”
“Huh?” I gasp. “You mean… you’re not a virgin?” I ask with a half smile, half smirk.
“Sorry, baby, I’m not a virgin!” He half huffs.
“Well, it was nice while it lasted!” Rising to my feet, I think I see the lump in his throat and his eyes gloss over. Sitting back down, I grab his hand again. “Baby, you’re scaring me, okay?”
He looks back up, meeting my gaze. “I did some time in juvie when I was younger. I haven’t been the best man I can be. I feel like there are things about me you should know before you commit for real… I want kids! And as much as I love you, I can’t bring myself to share!”
“So you did some time in juvie? What for?”
“Stealing cars.”
“So you suck at stealing cars. At least say you got better at it, or do you still suck at it?”
He smiles at me. “We got a fuck tonne better. That’s how me and Ares got the money together to buy the old farmland for the club!”
“Okay, so you’re not a total failure then.”
“I suppose not!”
“And you want kids?”
“I do!”
“I’m not saying no, let me just put that out there, but I wanna get settled first. I wanna be us for a bit before we figure that out, but I’m not averse to the idea!” With the hugest grin on his face, he picks up my hand and kisses it. “I’m not sure what you mean by sharing. What are we not sharing?”
“You, I’m not prepared to share you!” He huffs out again, totally losing me along the way.
“Okay, what are your deal breakers?”
“I just want kids and wanted to tell you about juvie and the not sharing. I didn’t know if that would put you off.”
“Are you fucking serious?” I laugh. “Have you met me? Have you seen the things I’ve done, and you think wanting kids, sharing whatever you mean by that, and a stint in juvie is a dealbreaker?” I shake my head. “You really wanna go down this route?”